Friday, May 25, 2012

Tea, anyone?

Tomorrow is the annual First Assembly of God Ladies Tea - Victorian this year. I figured I would post something on tea drinking. This information comes from various internet sites. Here goes.

It is believed that Chinese herbal tea was discovered by Emperor Shen Nung of China in 2737 BC.  Well although the custom of drinking tea dates back to the 3rd millennium BC in China, it was not until the mid 17th Century that the first tea appeared in England. Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in year 1840. During the 1880's upper class and society women would change into long gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five o'clock.
Accordingly, as tea drinking blossomed in England, so too did it in the English colonies (i.e. Jamaica, India, the entire Caribbean, etc.)

A little superstition with your tea, perhaps? To stir tea in the pot is to stir up strife. Bubbles in your cup show that kisses are coming, but if you put in milk before the sugar . . . you risk losing your sweetheart. If a girl allows a man to pour out a second cup of tea for her she will succumb to his designs. (I have been unable to discover whether it works the other way around.) And of course there is the advance information given by a floating tea-leaf that a stranger is coming, the number of taps with one hand it takes to shake it off the back of the other hand showing how many days there are to wait. People who make tea with water which is not boiling must expect a lot of strangers.

By the way, if you are in the Florida City area you can still make the party tomorrow,2-4pm at the Goldcoaster clubhouse. Please call 305-992-0225 for directions or pick-up.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Talking About Perspective

Last weekend my husband and I had the extraordinary good fortune to connect with friends some of whom we had not seen in over thirty years! After the initial shock and awe abated we were made to see with startling clarity what God has accomplished over the years.

We met pastors who came to Christ under our ministry when we traveled the Island of Jamaica as evangelists. We talked with one lady who reminded my husband of a message he preached that changed her life - which he has long forgotten. The memories rolled on about Youth camps, Days of Fellowship, the whims and idiosyncrasies of old ministers now retired, and most of all the joy of being together again. In spite of distance we have managed to remain friends in Christ, something no amount of years can alter or tarnish.

We saw ourselves and remembered who who we are in Christ and rejoiced that the gifts and calling of God cannot be altered or negated.

If you are bombarded and doubting who you are, take a step back into a different environment. Connect with that part which is unmistakably you and use that as your compass. Do not let present negative circumstances define who you are. After all, one battle won or lost, is not the sum total of a war.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Laughter: the best possible medicine

Hi Folks! I just picked up a copy of my first book from the work pile (doing a second edition) and out fell this poem. Absolutely one of my favs. A little laugh is a lot of good medicine so LOL!

HOW TO BATHE A CAT (Google by same title)
1. Thoroughly clean toilet.
2. Lift both lids and add shampoo.
3. Find and soothe cat as you carry him to bathroom.
4. In one swift move, place cat in toilet, close both lids and
stand on top, so cat cannot escape.
5. The cat will self agitate and produce ample suds.
(Ignore ruckus from inside toilet, cat is enjoying this)
6. Flush toilet 3 or 4 times. This provides power rinse, which
is quite effective.
7. Have someone open outside door, stand as far from toilet as
possible and quickly lift both lids.
8. Clean cat will rocket out of the toilet and outdoors,
where he will air dry.
The Dog
PS. I happen to love cats - no matter what the poem suggests!

So much for working tonight - sleep well all.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Talk to God; He really listens - and answers.

Every faith practice some form of prayer for self and others. Why do you suppose this is such a universal fact? We are made to connect with the Creator and to hunger for the presence of the divine. Prayer then is not just talking or putting out a list of I wants, rather it is fellowship, spending time with, listening as God speaks to our spirit ...

Christians pray to Jesus and believe He is the only one who can answer prayer. This is by no means an abstract concept. Many individuals can provide evidence of supernatural intervention through prayer in the Name of Jesus. But why take my word for it? Try it and see what happens.

Many of my fellow Christ-followers know a number of people are depending on us to pray for them this week. Please, do not disappoint them. Let us take the time to be true intercessors. Set a time and a place for prayer. At First Assembly Florida City we meet on Monday nights 6pm at the church. You may come and pray with us and then continue at your convenience throughout the week. We see the world a whole lot better from out knees.

For further reading Google STEPP - Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Proximal Intercessory Prayer or read my book Nursing a Calling to Care chapter 9, available at