Saturday, December 28, 2019

Dreaming Small for Big Diet Wins

As the holiday season slowly draws to a close, some of us are thinking about all the food boo-boos of the past few weeks. But before we rush into January with arm loads of good intentions, let's formulate a realistic plan. Think of our diet reorientation as a ladder and we are obviously starting at the bottom rung on week one. Goals should be SMALL to begin with. They should also be specigic and measurable, or we should know when we have achieved the objective. 2nd  week add another small goal to the first week's goal and stick with both for week two. Repeat this pattern over the succeeding weeks .
Why do we need to dream small initially? Building in small wins provide encouragement to continue. And by working incrementally, we allow ourselves time to adjust to the change in eating pattern. Once again we are setting the stage to increase the chances of success.
January is also when many of us think about fasting for 21 or 30 days. Without a doubt there are many physical and spiritual benefits. Please stay tuned in January as I talk about this subject and provide resources for our journey into faith and fitness.
May the LORD bless you, and keep you, make his face shine upon you ... today and all through the coming year.
PS. Today I walked in the rain (with my umbrella) so there is no sunrise to share. But guess what, the Presence of the LORD was every bit as real. Hmmm, there's a message in that. 

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Memories of Christmases Past

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk

Yesterday I did not feel like I had anything specific to say so I held off posting. While Mom and I were out shopping, we started talking about Christmas memories. This morning, without knowing about yesterday's conversation, my husband, pulled out a list he had made and started talking about memories of Christmas.
So here are a few things. To some this will be new but a few will doubtless identify.
We remember Christmas as the time for road work - clearing the drains and cutting back the trees. This meant quick cash for those who would have had very little Christmas money otherwise. It meant weeding the yard, whitewashing the house, the gate, and everything that can possibly hold " white lime." It meant filling the mattress with new grass,  music everywhere, radio competitions for various prizes, doing the walkabout and eating at the neighbors (not allowed at other times). Its the Christmas breeze, sweet-potato pudding, duck-bread, grandmarket, johncanoo dancers, blossoming sugarcane fields (called cane flags) and the absence of fear as we simply had a great time.

We missed nothing because of not knowing we  should have had more. Most of us had no idea we were poor! Truth be told,  then, we were a lot closer to peace on earth and goodwill to all men/ people than we are today.  Christmas Sunday we would show up to church in our finery, the new clothes we received as Christmas gifts. How far we have come!

 As many of us celebrate our abundance and the excitement of giving and receiving, let's also remember our past with a deep sense of gratitude. Most of all,  let us treasure the Greatest Gift: Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Joy's of the Season

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
The crunch is on! Shopping,  packing, and shipping, each person trying to get ahead of the crowd. Let's not forget courtesy and giving grace when we are "run over" in the stores.
We say Jesus is the reason for the season and the best way to acknowledge this is to act as he would.
May you find joy in all your preparations and sense the closeness of Jesus as we honor the season of his incarnation .
His Name shall be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, and the prince of peace.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Take a Breather

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
As we dive headlong into the holiday season it is easy to cover the symptoms of being overwhelmed by staying busy. We mistakenly reason if we push just a little harder, we'll feel better. In effect we attempt to solve an inner problem with outside activities.
Though it may seem hard, the thing to do is to take a step back...
We may be feeling out of it because of physical problems, common sleeplessness and exhaustion,  or because of the unrealistic expectations we have set for ourselves.
Get to the root cause and attempt a solution. Don't just continue to push. The difficulty with this approach is, it forces us to be bare-naked, honest with ourselves. Hard, but a whole lot better than allowing the negativity of our insides to make an unscheduled appearance on the outside.
Peace and may God's favor rest upon you this season.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Just do it ...

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk #2
Every year someone posts how lonely they are because they have no one with whom to share the holidays. Don't wait until the day arrives to wonder what to do or to resign yourself to more loneliness. Do something about it.
I guarantee you, if you walk into any Christian church for the next six Sundays (and some Wednesdays) you will hear about and be invited to activities covering the entire holiday season. All you have to do is walk in, sit down,  and pay attention to the announcements. No one is asking  you to join the church or to bring money.  Just show up, get connected, and change you social, emotional, and yes, your spiritual health.
Get connected and give yourself a reason to celebrate.


"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem," Psalm 122:6. As we rest in the afterglow of Thanksgiving and probably plan new disguises for leftovers in the coming week, let's not forget Israel. What affects them ultimately affects the world and Christians in particular. Christ said to use their events as a calendar to inform us when his coming is close. The Bible is being fulfilled right before our very eyes.
There is no use trying to deny the reality of an "end time." Ecclesiastes tells us God has placed eternity in our hearts. Today movie producers, authors, scientists and Christians all speak with some conviction of this time the Bible refers to as that day or the Day of the Lord. Please continue reading on my blog:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Its Not Just Uncle Sam.We Need You Too

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Consider how many times the mighty Apostle Paul asked for prayer.  Not for personal needs but as he carried out the work of the ministry.  I believe God has a special Word for the Women's Conference tomorrow at Believers Faith Temple,  Howard Avenue Bridgeport Connecticut. I also believe Intercessors will help to set atmosphere for that Word to be delivered and received.   Please also remember Rev Junior Edsil Myers and the folks who will be traveling with him to the different locations in Jamaica to minister  over the next three days. Thanks in advance to all of you.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Well and Whole

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
There is great emphasis placed on wellness without an equal push to be WHOLE. The world is full of people in great health who are maximizing peak performance. In other words, they are well but wholeness is another matter.
When we sre stressed beyond endurance, when we are consumed by what others think about us to the point we have to constantly "reinvent ourselves" to measure up, when bitterness is a permanent companion, we are not whole. When we carry strife and discontent like  an aura, when we have no God connection settling instead for "the god within" and a vague idea of "I'm a spiritual person" we are not whole.
Jesus not only offers healing in the atonement he still asks,  "do you want to be whole?"
This is the much harder question because it forces us to look at our deeper imperfections and make the conscious choice of giving  those cherished pieces to Him. So how about it? Are we willing to be well and whole?
Photo credit to one of my FB friends 🤔. Thank you.

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Hello Folks! I worked yesterday, missed posting,  but I still want to give a word. I capture sunrises on my walks and I'm always amazed at a few things. There is a sunrise every morning, even if it is raining where I am. It fascinates me that though I have taken loads of pictures, every sunrise is different. And, last I  rejoice the source is always the same.
We can use sunrises as a reminder of God's faithfulness. He does not change when it's raining where we are. He will manifest himself in different ways as each situation demands but we can rest secure knowing he is our source. The next time you watch the shift from night to day,  remember, the God who covenants to be your Everything is as faithful and constant as the sunrise. You can count on him, every day of your life and all the way through eternity.
Blessings on your week!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Family First

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Do you know your family is your first and primary mission field? If those closest to us are last priority on our list, it is almost impossible to think we are going to win them to Christ. The order is God, family, church...
Don't fail to be involved in the lives of your children even to to the point of saying "no" to other activities. Charity (or love in this case) begins at home. 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Lord, I Believe

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Have you ever wondered why more miracles happen in foreign places than in our local churches? I have. And one thing being in Kenya last week taught me is that some people hear healing is available, they come with expectancy. Jesus  healed only a few people in his hometown because only a few people believed enough to show up. Those few who came were healed. What would happen if we walked into church not just because it's the day we worship but expecting God to meet us there? Are we believers who believe or are we just going along with the words because it's in the Bible? I believe God wants to show himself strong in our lives. But we must challenge ourselves to have a faith in God that calls out to him and wait until He answers. Not wonder if he will...
He is the God of the 21st Century as much as he was in the 1st. Prove him. Thank you Paul and Lynn Crawford and the entire church planting Team in Kisumu.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Off on another God adventure ! It's amazing when we are called to follow it's usually with no concept if where obedience will take us. The once constant is the promise of his presence with even to the end of the age.
Please join me and the team in prayer as we minister in Kenya Nairobi, travel dates of 921 to 10/4.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pray On

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Sometimes we pray and nothing happens. The solution then is to ask God to help us align our prayers with his design for us. We were created with a specific destiny in mind and that explains why honest, sincere prayers seem to go unanswered. It's not just saying not my will but rather bring me to the set purpose for my life. Show me how to pray in line with your plan. This is why it is so crucial to pray in the Spirit.  Not necessarily in tongues but with a listening heart so we can pray according to the will of God.

The Bible says the Spirit helps our weaknesses by interceding to the Father according to His "known" will.

Spirit of God,  help us today to pray with insight to the direction you would have us go. Please direct the words of our mouth, and the meditation of our hearts.  Amen.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Good Die Young Too

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Difficult day as my husband officiated at the funeral of a 17-year old who died in his sleep, 2 weeks ago. I heard the question asked, "Does God have anything to do with this?" I heard it echo through the church as people struggled not to blame God, but not wanting to accept the death of this young man as His will.
This young man's passing is the reason Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus. With sin came sickness and disease, and with those came death. Did God want to see this youth die before he lived? No. But it is part of the natural law which came into effect when Adam sinned.
God does not reverse the laws of nature each time one of his children is affected. What he did more than 2000 years ago was send His son to die so eternal life can be regained.
That is our hope not salvation from all the perils of earth but life with Christ because of the power of his resurrection.  Please, know Jesus. Don't just talk about Christianity, but be forgiven by the Christ and live for him.
RIP Xavier Louis,  you left your testimony behind as someone who followed Jesus. To be absent from the body is to present with the LORD.

Saturday, August 31, 2019


I think I will go ahead and post this again. I especially call on ministers of the gospel to speak the truth to your friends and relatives. Stealing, lying, fornication, abortion, homosexuality, gluttony...are all sins. God loves the sinner, always. But we must not pretend. Sin is sin. Stop lying to save face or feelings. Once again, the falling away has already begun.

Thessalonians 2:1-3Version (NKJV)The Great Apostasy

Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of [a]Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of [b]sin is revealed, the son of perdition.

The very fact this conversation is necessary proves the truth of the Bible and Christianity.  It doesn't matter who claim to kiss Christianity goodbye or who has given up singing the songs of the LORD, our faith should not be shaken. Yes, some of the apostate or confused are influencers but honestly, our faith should not be based on worship songs or worship leaders. And because someone who wrote for God now supposedly has denied him, it does not alter the truth of the Word.

Beloved,  don't be shaken. We were warned of the falling away and sadly, some Christians will follow the lead of the backslider. This is why faith MUST be in God and our eyes can't be on just people or a feeling, or type of music. We must tear down these idols and icons, get in our own prayer closets, and see Jesus. If we are so rattled now, what will we do when things get worse???
And even as stand firm let's not close the door on these weaker believers. Continue to pray for them as they struggle. God is fully able to restore them to his service, for his glory.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Using What You Have

 I bought two bags of beautiful navel oranges.They turned out to be so sour,  it made my cheeks hurt! Juicing them would  not have helped so out came the Dutch pot and brown sugar. It was a much longer process than just enjoying a fresh peeled orange. The outcome was also different. Instead of a few oranges, l now have a sweet treat to last a couple of weeks.
 Like you, I prefer easy.  But often what we think will be a simple 1-2-3 turn out to be tools or the building blocks for something greater. Trials, problems, disappointments,  failure are all "sour stuff." Still, God uses them to build character traits we would never have acquired otherwise. Today, I'm saying nothing new. Use your problems as stepping stones and your distress as discipline. And if your beautiful oranges turn out to be unfit for a snack, don't get angry. Make jam.
God bless you !

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hold Your Ground in God

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk

Thessalonians 2:1-3Version (NKJV)The Great Apostasy

Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of [a]Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of [b]sin is revealed, the son of perdition.

The very fact this conversation is necessary proves the truth of the Bible and Christianity.  It doesn't matter who claim to kiss Christianity goodbye or who has given up singing the songs of the LORD, our faith should not be shaken. Yes, some of the apostate or confused are influencers but honestly, our faith should not be based on worship songs or worship leaders. And because someone who wrote for God now supposedly has denied him, it does not alter the truth of the Word.

Beloved,  don't be shaken. We were warned of the falling away and sadly, some Christians will follow the lead of the backslider. This is why faith MUST be in God and our eyes can't be on just people or a feeling, or type of music. We must tear down these idols and icons, get in our own prayer closets, and see Jesus. If we are so rattled now, what will we do when things get worse???
And even as stand firm let's not close the door on these weaker believers. Continue to pray for them as they struggle. God is fully able to restore them to his service, for his glory.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

A Better Way

There was never a time when all  Americans were Christ followers. There have always been atheists, agnostics, and those who worshipped deities other than the Judeo-Christian God. What has always been present is the sense of right and wrong, and that there is someone greater than we are. There was an admission life was sacred even in the dark moments of slavery. While not everyone firmly adhered to the right, we knew right existed. It never stopped deviant behavior but there was a moral compass and everyone did not seem so bent on pretending there are no consequences to being lawless. Until now. Many find God offensive, and those who worship him obstacles preventing the nation from truly casting off all restraint.  But are we better now than when God was welcome in the public square? Are we truly freer and more enlightened now that we have reinterpreted the Bible to match our standards? NOT according to the last news broadcast I watched. It is in returning to God we will be saved. Those who live without the law (of God or man) will undoubtedly perish without law. Righteousness lifts up a nation; sin is a [disgrace] to any people. The hating, incivility,  and senseless killings will not stop until we have standards  higher than ours. It's not too late. We can still  return to in God we trust.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Tools for Service

87% of all American households admit to having a Bible and most individuals own at least 3. Compare this to nations of the world where Christianity is not the first faith. As the mission trip leader said, many of these pastors preach because they are saved and feel the call. But they do not have the knowledge of the Scriptures. Think of Appolos in Acts 18: 26. He was preaching but had to have the Word explained to him more fully. This is why I am making the effort to take teaching resources to Africa. I STILL NEED YOUR HELP TO PAY FOR THE PRINTING OF "SERMONS TO CHANGE LIVES" AND "SANCTUARY"in Kenya.You may give by phone using the Zelle app, by mail,  or by Western Union. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP .

Monday, July 22, 2019

Free books

Read two of my books for Free! Download them at:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Life in the Spirit

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
The Apostle John was imprisoned on the prison island of Patmos because of his faith in Jesus Christ. Alone with only the sound of the birds and the ceaseless ocean, John had plenty of time to succumb to loneliness and despair. Instead, he kept his time of worship and fellowship with God. So much so, he was able to pinpoint his massive revelation of the end of the age as happening on the Lord's Day.
Regardless of our personal situation, the Lord's Day invariably comes. What will it mean for us?
John was not defined by Patmos and the harsh circumstances of his exile. He remained an Apostle faithful in worship, living life in the Spirit. As a result, we know him as the scribe of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
By what will you be defined, by your troubles or by life in the Spirit?
Thanks for joining me on the Weekly Word  from the Wisdom Walk.
Give by Zelle right from your phone to mine,  Western Union,  or by mail.
Thanks for your support!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

He Knows Where You Are

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Sustained faith can be challenging especially when there is no discernable answer to prayer.  Consider Job in his dilemma. To the best of his knowledge, he was in right standing with God. Still , his world completely fell apart. Worse yet,  God seemed nowhere to be found.  Job described his search in all the usual places, no trace. Finally, Job concluded , I can't find him, but he knows where I am (Job 23:10).
What a powerful truth! You are not lost or hidden. Nor is God ignoring your cries. He is Omniscient - trust him.
Please help me welcome Barbara Fuller-Watson as she joins us every Saturday right here on the Wisdom Walk.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Show me your face

I have been thinking along these lines for the past week: what if we would ask God less to show us his power or to bless us and ask him instead to show us his face?
Moses saw and did many miracles but that was not enough to keep the people he led focused on God. They worshipped after every miracle and wandered away as soon as the awe dimmed. We, are exactly the same.
Moses asked to see God. Look at his prayer, "show me your face" Not more of the spectacular but more of you. I strongly suspect God is not as interested in proving to us the wonders of which He is capable, as much as he is in making us more like him.
It's phenomenal receiving gifts from God's hands but permanent spiritual transformation begins when we "see " his face, a glimpse of who he truly is.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Stay the Course

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Yesterday we drove into Miami under brilliant sunshine and the heat so typical of South Florida this time of year. Today, grey skies are dilligently pouring their offering of water upon the earth. It has not stopped or even slowed our journey. There was no debate whether we would get in the car and head back north. The weather did not change the goal.
Life gives sunshine and sometimes storms. Remain focused and don't lose sight of your destination. Press on and run the race with patience. There are clearer skies ahead.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

WWJD Still Works

Some wise person once said, "people behave in ways that make sense to them." This explains a lot. Crazy or odd behavior may make us want to pass judgement or wash our hands of ...
Before we do that, just remember someone is thinking the very same thing about US. What's the solution? Love as Christ does, speak the truth in love as he would, and remember we are masterpieces in progress. Happy Wednesday !

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Into all the world

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
The Word tells us to take the Gospel into all the world, or inyo every sphere of life. Are we systematically taking it to work,  to school, or wherever we are bound to be at this time of life?
What about praying for the institutions vital to our support and wellbeing? If Christians don't intentionally pray for God's will and purpose in our time, no one will.
Short word today, but would you join me in saying a prayer for medical personnel as they strive to bring health and wholeness to the sick and those who care for them. Pray for wisdom, strength, and grace so they may discharge their duties well.
Poinciana Medical Center in Kissimmee, Florida is our featured institution.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

It's old, but it works

Jeremiah 29:11 is arguably one of the most widely quoted verses in today's Christian repertoire. Yet, most of us panic the moment the reins are yanked from our protesting grasp and we find ourselves going at high speed to who knows where. But that's the whole point. God has the pltoan and therefore the path; we are not out of control, or adrift, at lose ends, or any of those wonderfully descriptive ways we express being completely lost.

As we barely clear the first few hurdles of 2018 we may still be looking backwards asking, "what just happened?" The goals of 2018 never quite made it from the starting block or halfway down the track, tripped and fell to rise no more. To make matters worse everything around us, so far, only suggests more of the same. Hold up!!! God has a plan that involves hope and a future. He may not be sharing details with you at the moment but do you trust him?

Here's something very old, very "King James" but worth our time and attention.

Lead Kindly Light Hymn

Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom, lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home; lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou shouldst lead me on;
I loved to choose and see my path; but now lead Thou me on!
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years!

So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still will lead me on.
O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent, till the night is gone,
And with the morn those angel faces smile, which I
Have loved long since, and lost awhile!

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Healthy Emotions

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
God made our emotions and they are a reflection of the way we are wired. We use them in every sphere of life and they are what makes us different from each other, our own unique "human flavor." God is pleased when we use our emotions to respond to him in praise and worship. He also listens when we use emotions to cry out in our distresses. Being emotional is not a sign of weakness (not always at any rate). Sis. Earline Roseman-Martin perhaps says it best:
"Our ability to express our emotions with tears is a gift, and God keeps track of each tear we cry. Psalm 56:8 says, "you keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all tears in a bottle.  You have recorded each one in  your book." But one day we are promised God will wipe away every tear.
Lord, you have made us to laugh, or to cry to yearn, to love, and to miss those who have gone before us. Help us [use our emotions] to love even more deeply, confident in your goodness and in the resurrection you promised. "

Saturday, June 1, 2019

The. Power of Perseverance

Nothing teaches perseverance like walking. This morning the sun felt like it was in the middle of the sky though it was barely after 8am. By the time I got to my 3+ miles turnaround lightpost, it was hitting my brows with a vengeance.  I turned around for the trek home and just as suddenly found myself facing into a light and very pleasant breeze. The sun that was monents ago frying my brains was now working its magic on my stiff back and shoulders. I adjusted my pace to compensate for the energy loss from the heat and humidity, and kept walking.
I want to say, especially to my younger readers, circumstances can be draining like the sun. Adjust your pace. Maybe the five year plan may stretch into seven. Persevere. Stop and rest a moment in the shade of prayer and the support of family and friends. Then press on.
Oh, my timing was off today and I did the 7 miles slower than usual. But point is, l finished it in good shape.
Your brains may feel overtaxed from unanswered questions and your heart may ache from unreciprocated trust. Adjust your step, reset your timeline, but don't stop doing what you know is right. Persevere, keep your eyes on your goal, and you will make it home.

Saturday, May 25, 2019


Living in Florida it is sometimes hard to appreciate the changes of the seasons. This weekend I am in New Jersey, then on to New York and Connecticut. The trees are gloriously green in their fresh new coats. Gone are the grey twigs and dry fallen leaves. In their place are freshly mown  grass and flowers of every variety.
God promises that even as the soil bring forth and the garden causes seed to grow, God will also cause righteousness to spring up ...(Isaiah 61:11).
If you have just come through a period of winter, wait for the renewal. Spring is on its way. 

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Are we there for Him?

It's funny how we expect God to be there for us whenever or wherever.  But what about us? Is that expectation reciprocated? Can God, to as much as is humanly possible, expect us to be there  for him? Think of the excuses we make and the genuine reasons or obstacles which make our response no, later, or maybe. A servant is first of all required to be faithful. Lord, make us so. Help us to be there for you. 

Monday, May 13, 2019


Today once again I'm reminded to trust God's purpose, his love, his plan, and his timing. I think the timing is hardest because every prayer has a "now " in it whether spoken or implied.  That's not how God works though. He is a God of timing or doing things in the fullness of time. In  the mean time, purpose is being worked out in the process. And tribulation brings about patience ...

Saturday, May 4, 2019

No Shortcuts

There are no shortcuts in God.
That may sound like a kind of a bummer in a society geared to the need for speed. So let me break it down.
There is no shortcut to being saved. The 1.0 version of the early church is the same as today - believe in the Lord Jesus Christ because there is no other source of salvation.
There is no shortcut to growing in grace. The very word "grow" brings to mind plants all of which start as seeds. In much the same way we enter into grace when we become followers of Christ. But you must admit, it would be odd to know no more about Christ today than when we met him years ago. Or, to know no more about him ten years from today as we do now.
There is no shortcut to knowing God's Word. I don't mean just memorization but the kind of knowledge that results in a changed life. That kind of transformational knowledge comes from studying the Word line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little - as the Bible says.
Last, there is no shortcut to being strong in the Lord. We can't expect the strength of the prophets without doing the things they did. For starters, they were unashamedly counter-cultural or politically incorrect. They spent time in fasting, prayer, the study of the Word, and fellowship with other believers. For the most part, they saw themselves living under a Theocracy with God as their Sovereign Ruler. Not a popular viewpoint, I know. But look at the footprint they left behind. Signs, wonders, miracles, and most of all, you and me as products of the faith for which many gave their lives.
So, there's the evidence, what do you think? The world's shortcuts and dangerous detours or following the old paths?

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Death was Only the Beginning

Shock, confusion, disillusionment, and hopelessness all rose with Jesus' followers to greet the Sabbath morning, over 2000 years ago. The one on whom they had placed their hopes for deliverance was dead. Dead like the many false messiahs who came before him.
Oh, the shame if it! He did not die like his predecessors,  stoned according to the Law. No. His was fate was that of a criminal, hoisted exposed on a Roman cross. Cursed under the Law. 
What next? Maybe after the dust settled to slip back into the synagogue? Go back to fishing? See if the old jobs were still open and simply go back to life as it was. Blot out the whole memory as if it never was.
Ah, but what triumph silently waited to be revealed! Not even Satan knew of his own defeat. Sure, Jesus was in the tomb and his Spirit walked the land of shadows. But only as a traveler, only in transition, only to dismantle the grip of hell, only as LORD of both the living and the dead.
Death won a brief battle but in three short days resurrection would soon win the war, forever. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Real Power

I have been guilty of praying "Lord, send your power" as if power was something separate and apart from the Holy Spirit himself. We get our concept from the first Pentecost when there was sound, sight, and utterance signifying the coming of the Holy Spirit.
But Jesus promised power WHEN the Spirit comes not the Holy Spirit and something else.
We do much better to seek the Spirit himself in his fullness. Find a place to wait or tarry until he comes. As always, the Word, prayer, and worship are the vehicles to usher in God's presence. As we get deeper,  the Word washes and sanctifies until we are fit vessels for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the power he manifests.
It's no cliche to remember to seek the Giver and not merely the gift. 

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Suicide Prevention

The shrill and incessant clamor of politics often leads one to believe there is nothing else of importance on which to focus attention. But while we remain distracted, the world continues with its pain unabated and even neighbors die unnoticed. We are not talking about wars or disease, but about people who arrived at "wits end" and found no solace or saw no recourse but to end their pain  by suicide. 47,000 Amricans died by suicide in 2017, which is 2, 000 more than 2016. And the rate is rising (data from Think about this:
Do you know an older person singlehandedly taking care of an older spouse or a forever child? They are at risk.
Sexual or domestic abuse victim? They are risk. A veteran? They are also at high risk. Single parents with limited socio-economic support may be equally at risk though not saying anything at all about any part of their situation. 
What can we do as individuals?
First, be a friend - the kind of friend you would want someone to be to you.
2. Ask the hard questions and refuse to accept the scripted, glib, religious answers. Drill down to specific questions. 
3. Offer specific help. "Do you want me to sit while you go get your hair done or while you simply take a walk?" May I cook for you this weekend or offer a specific day. Toss out, "if there is ever anything I can do ..." Its a useless cop out.
4. Just be available and show your interest by random phone calls, care packages, whatever. 
Support is one of the best antidotes to suicide. Can anyone count on you?
Your timely and consistent intervention help someone to enjoy another sunrise.
Suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Being Thankful

It is common practice as families gather at the Thanksgiving table, to at some point,  name at least one thing for which each person is thankful. Being thankful, however, should never be something we do only at special times of the year. We are told to give thanks in everything (which would then become at all times) because this is the will of God in Christ for us.
As we stand at the threshold of April and thoughts of Easter surface, surely being thankful comes effortlessly. Date aside, this is the time of year we commemorate the death, burial, and glorious resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
But before we get to Easter, as this weekends, what are you thankful for today? Remember, an attitude of gratitude keeps us humble and makes us glad recipients of grace.
So today let's not forget to give thanks to the LORD for he is good and his mercy, steadfast love, endures forever.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Being Fearless

Fear often creates an "elephant in the room ." It may be fear of upsetting someone, of not being popular, of being misunderstood, or of being thought of as judgemental. Whatever the reason, what results is usually a thundering echo of words left unsaid.
The Bible never advocates covering truth and suffering through an uneasy "peace." Rather, we are told to speak the truth in love. Yes, we may ruffle feathers sometimes but the God whose command we follow, is big enough to handle the results of our obedience.
Remember, perfect love casts out fear (and a whole herd of elephants in the process). Let's choose to walk in love and be honest in our speech to those around us. 

Saturday, March 16, 2019


Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. What in the world? Why is there association between gentleness and Christ's return? I'm sitting on the beach in Jamaica doing this post so I don't have the benefit of a concordance. But from what I understand, arrogance is the killer of gentleness. Other negative emotions opposed to gentleness include anger, pride, selfishness, and impatience. None of these reflect the mind of Christ.
What fosters gentleness? Meekness, peace, a quiet spirit, humility, and all that is commonly referred to as the Fruit of the Spirit. Is it then any wonder gentleness is used as an indicator of our readiness for Christ's  second coming?
Lord, make gentleness a part of who I am.
The pictures are of Saturday morning walk with the Laurens and Company, and a stretch of Seven Mile Beach Negril, before it awakens for the day.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Don't Stop ...

What does it mean to pray and not lose heart?
It means taking a position by faith and staying put. We pray and remain undeterred by circumstances, by moods,  and by everything coming up opposites to the request we are making.
Not losing heart means throwing out time and camping out for the duration until God answers ... in whatever way he chooses to answer.
The hardest thing to remember is that not all prayers are answered or will be answered within our lifetime. Still pray. Some prayers establish territory, some clear the land,  others sow seeds. Then there are prayers that nurture and cause seeds to bud and the one we most anticipate, prayers that yield a harvest.
Only God knows where we are in the process so don't be discouraged. Take your position by faith and stay put. God is faithful.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Planted or Leaning?

It's not good enough to lean on a strong church or strong believers. We each need to be firmly PLANTED in the faith if we hope to thrive as people of God. 
For over a year I have been watching a pine tree that was partially uprooted during the hurricane of 2017.
A mighty oak broke it's fall and so it remained not dead exactly but with none of the vibrancy one saw in the other trees.
This morning I was several yards down the road when it suddenly dawned on me what was different. On the way back I walked over to where the tree once stood. And there was a stump cut level with the grass. The tree not quite dead, but not really alive, was no longer there.
The oak deeply rooted stood totally unaffected by what must have been a huge commotion just below it's branches. It's roots were in the right place.
The storms of life can unseat and uproot the best of us. Don't just lean ... get replanted. God does not need a backhoe and a gang of gardeners to do this. It's simply a matter of you ask, he speaks,  it's done. Psalm 1.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Trusting God

Sharing powerful words of encouragement as we begin this day's journey.  Thanks Elaine Wright Colvin.
💕Are you feeling misunderstood, fearful, under spiritual warfare attack? Don't worry, God is there!
Psalm 9:4 NLT - For you have judged in my favor; from your throne you have judged with fairness.
Psalm 9:8-9 NLT - The Lord will judge the world with justice and rule, the nations with fairness. The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.
LAB NOTE: God upholds our just cause; he is our vindicator (One who clears us from criticism and justifies us before others). In this life, we may face many injustices:
(1) we may be falsely accused and misunderstood by friends and enemies;
(2) we may not be truly appreciated by others for the love we show;
(3) the true value of our work and service may not be duly rewarded;
(4) our ideas may be ignored.
But God is to be praised, for He sees and remembers all the good we do, and it is up to Him to decide the timing and the appropriateness of our rewards. If we do not Trust Him to vindicate us, then we will be susceptible to hatred and self-pity. If we do trust Him, we can experience God's peace and be free from the worry of how others perceive us and treat us.
Proverbs 29:26 NKJV - Many seek the ruler's favor, but justice for man comes from the Lord.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

To Your Health

I just like to check-in on everyone a few weeks after the fast to see how it's going. I know most of us are enjoying the  weight loss that was a natural and welcome side effect of fasting. So let me share a few pointers on how to capitalize on that bit of good fortune.
The most obvious is portion control. Your body may not be all that interested in eating large portions. Don't force it. And if the comfort foods don't taste quite as rewarding, keep them on hold as well. Remember this is also a great time to continue working on breaking the sugar habit.
Last, build in exercise. Walk a mile everyday you are at work and one other day besides. Park as far as you can from your office (on premises of course). Take the stairs a couple of times,  take a quick break around the building, and your regular up and down throughout the day will do the rest. 
We are responsible before God to be good stewards of our health as much as we are for our finances and everything else. Let's honor that trust.
Stay tuned. I also want to talk about keeping the spiritual advantage. So please,  join me again on Wednesday.
Blessed weekend and Lord's Day!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Which Kingdom are You In?

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
I'm convinced we frequently forget the church was birthed in turbulent political times. Jesus had to contend with the Pharisees, the Saducees, the Essenes/Zealots, Romans, the myriad divisions of Judaism, and the melting pot of just people, from all the places the Roman Eagle spread it's wings.
Still, he managed to seperate his kingdom from everyone else's. No matter what party we identify with, there are only two kingdoms. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world.
It's a problem when that gets blurred because it opens the door to division in the church.
Jesus made no bones about where the line is drawn. He says we should give to Cesar what is Cesar's and to God, what is God's.

Bible first, party second. Let the church be the church.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Look at the Fields

I found myself thinking about Jesus' Word to the disciples,  "Lift up your eyes and look at the fields." I find that in many cases we are so distracted as a people. Politics and the news take center stage.  So much so, when we tell people regardless of party lines, they need to pray, we are likely to be seen as favoring one side or the other.
There is also the multitude of personal concerns so that many of us could pray for hours, and not repeat a single request.
But Jesus urges us to lift up our eyes and look out to the world...I want to say look what is happening to believers around the world.  Persecution has ramped up in so called democracies and dictatorships are beginning to sound like they did in the 60's and beyond. 
This is not the time for church politics and pettiness. Look at the fields, the harvest needs to come in and we have tons of opposition. That my friends,  is where the fight really is. May God open our eyes.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday Blessings to you!

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Hello Readers!
Just wanted to say I hope you are experiencing many blessings and a closer walk with the Savior as this season of fasting ends.
My goal is truly not to go back to all my "usual " way of life simply because the fast is over. I want to remain motivated to find extra time to spend with the Lord.  It won't hurt to continue skipping some of the useless activity that passes for entertainment,  and eating well works all the time.
It doesn't mean never having fun or never enjoying a decadent chocolate treat. Rather,  it's being mindful to keep my heart, appetites,  and feet in the direction that does the most good. God bless you and do join me next week for our regular post. And speaking of next week, would you please take a moment and lift my husband and I in prayer on Monday? Ministry needs. Thanks and walk strong.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Faithful in Prayer

As many of us approach the last week of the Daniel Fast, I hope you are experiencing a closer communion with God. Let's make this last week count not through greater effort but by listening ...
See what God will say as you continue the discipline of fasting and prayer.
I think this is a fitting way to enter into the next week. Let's make Daniel's prayer our own.

17 “Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. For your sake, Lord, look with favor on your desolate sanctuary. 18 Give ear,  our God, and hear open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy 19 Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your names sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.”

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Daniel Fast tip

For those of you who are fasting here is a faith builder for you. Blessings!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Daniel Fast tip

Worried about what foods are allowed on your Daniel Fast? Here's a link you may.
 find helpful.

Daniel Fast tip

Worried about what foods are allowed on your Daniel Fast? Here's a link you may.
 find helpful.

Daniel Fast tip

Worried about what foods are allowed on your Daniel Fast? Here's a link you may.
 find helpful.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Good morning and God bless You!
Today begins the fast for many believers. Remember,  state your purpose. Why are you fasting? Is it just for health, for family issues ...
Whatever it is state it. I write mine down and just pray them at different times during a fast.
Have a plan. How are you going to do the fast? When and what you will eat, what other activities may not be conducive to fasting...
And last, persevere. The first day is always filled with anticipation. Maybe not so much day 10 and onwards. The flesh will find ways to rebel so stay focused and push through.
Lord, accept our worship as we 'push under' our flesh that our spirits may rise up in communion with you. Amen.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Praying Like Daniel

Happy New Year! Welcome to the very first Wisdom Walk reading of 2019. Bear with me through January as the focus will be on laying a spiritual foundation for our year, through prayer and fasting.

Some of you may have already started the Daniel Fast but don't forget to include Daniel's prayer which he prayed during the fast. Adapt it to reflect America, your state, or country, and pray it along with your personal prayer . Here is the first portion of the prayer found in Daniel 9:

O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments, 5 we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments. 6 Neither have we heeded Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our (Leaders), to our fathers and all the people of the land. 7 O Lord, righteousness belongs to You, but to us shame of face, as it is this day— because of the unfaithfulness which (we) have committed against You...

Let us take the Word seriously, if we confess and repent of our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive. May God strengthen you as you fast.