Saturday, July 28, 2018

Finding Joy

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Several years ago I learned an unforgettable lesson about true joy.  Kenneth Mitchell had gone fishing and brought us back a five gallon bucket of blue runners (I think that's what they're called). I grabbed my knife and headed for the washroom, no problem. I love fish!
As I started scaling Junior Edsil Myers quietly opened the door and took his place beside me at the sink. Nothing he's ever done has been more significant or more treasured than just pitching in when it never even crossed my mind to ask for help. His presence brought such joy the task took second place.
In our work-a-day world we are often faced with many difficult or tedious tasks. Sometimes we hop to it not because we are so fired up to work, but just to get it out of the way. Then, maybe a song comes to mind, or it could be just a few words of a Bible verse.  At other times a spiritual song comes pouring out from a river of raw inner emotions. Whatever the case, we suddenly realise the Presence of the Lord has swept in and everything changes.
Joy my Friends is not always about doing what we want to do,  much more about who stands with us.
The presence of Jesus, He changes everything.

Friday, July 20, 2018

It's Called Faith

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk 
I am amazed how we sometimes compress or make our faith small to match our wish list. Here's what I mean. Somehow, its okay to believe God "for" what we need and hang on through thick and thin until the answer is received.
But do we realize God changes circumstances,  shaking things up in our lives to get us to conform to His Image?
He is just as at work when he closes a door as when he opens one; when he gives or he takes. Let's widen the reaches of faith from a good time, all's well concept to a God who works through all things, at all times, for our good and His glory. No it's not a cake walk. It's trusting the plan when we cannot see His hand.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Take a Break

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
There is a simple scripture about God giving his beloved sleep. Also we have Jesus saying come unto all you who are burdened with care and l will give you rest. For all our busyness there is definitely a place for the theology of rest.
We need mental breaks when we are laboring under weighty subjects needing unending concentration. So in between do something involving the other side of your brain. I bake and  go over the top in my kitchen lol
We need prayer breaks when we are so focused on our need we get tunnel vision and miss God's Awesomeness. Walk, look at a sunrise or sunset, look at the world around you. Or, put some music on and sit with your Bible on your lap.
Sometimes our bodies just ache. At least, mine does.  It's not always necessary to push past the pain. Sit down. Order in if you can. If you can't, make your favorite meal and then sit down.
The point I'm making is God created rest stops in all sphere of life. Take them and show God how much you appreciate His wisdom.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Road Signs

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
As I approached my turnaround point this morning I noticed a couple of property signs. And I thought Christians have those too. I love the "Private Property no Trespassing" sign on my life. I am my beloved's and he is mine.  Jesus says I'm in his hands and nothing can "pluck" me out.
The "No Parking" sign speaks to the fact I am God's temple. I wish I could be so spiritual I am always singing Hallelujah! But that's not the case. So when a whole caravan of negative emotions start competing for space, the Holy Spirit makes sure if they are not the crew from Whatsoever Things with names like honest, pure, virtuous,  good report, etc., then they cannot park.
We all know sometimes in spite of ourselves we can feel like we are losing the battle though not the war. The law of the Tow Away Zone says the Spirit of Christ is authorized to remove every thought,  every action, everything that exalts itself against Him. It is that Power which guarantees when the enemy comes in, like a flood ,the Spirit of the LORD lifts up a standard against him.
We are told to be mindful of the signs on the road both spiritual and physical. Walk not as fools but as wise. Know who you are, whose you are, and demand that the enemy respect your boundaries.
Walk strong in Christ.