Saturday, May 25, 2019


Living in Florida it is sometimes hard to appreciate the changes of the seasons. This weekend I am in New Jersey, then on to New York and Connecticut. The trees are gloriously green in their fresh new coats. Gone are the grey twigs and dry fallen leaves. In their place are freshly mown  grass and flowers of every variety.
God promises that even as the soil bring forth and the garden causes seed to grow, God will also cause righteousness to spring up ...(Isaiah 61:11).
If you have just come through a period of winter, wait for the renewal. Spring is on its way. 

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Are we there for Him?

It's funny how we expect God to be there for us whenever or wherever.  But what about us? Is that expectation reciprocated? Can God, to as much as is humanly possible, expect us to be there  for him? Think of the excuses we make and the genuine reasons or obstacles which make our response no, later, or maybe. A servant is first of all required to be faithful. Lord, make us so. Help us to be there for you. 

Monday, May 13, 2019


Today once again I'm reminded to trust God's purpose, his love, his plan, and his timing. I think the timing is hardest because every prayer has a "now " in it whether spoken or implied.  That's not how God works though. He is a God of timing or doing things in the fullness of time. In  the mean time, purpose is being worked out in the process. And tribulation brings about patience ...

Saturday, May 4, 2019

No Shortcuts

There are no shortcuts in God.
That may sound like a kind of a bummer in a society geared to the need for speed. So let me break it down.
There is no shortcut to being saved. The 1.0 version of the early church is the same as today - believe in the Lord Jesus Christ because there is no other source of salvation.
There is no shortcut to growing in grace. The very word "grow" brings to mind plants all of which start as seeds. In much the same way we enter into grace when we become followers of Christ. But you must admit, it would be odd to know no more about Christ today than when we met him years ago. Or, to know no more about him ten years from today as we do now.
There is no shortcut to knowing God's Word. I don't mean just memorization but the kind of knowledge that results in a changed life. That kind of transformational knowledge comes from studying the Word line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little - as the Bible says.
Last, there is no shortcut to being strong in the Lord. We can't expect the strength of the prophets without doing the things they did. For starters, they were unashamedly counter-cultural or politically incorrect. They spent time in fasting, prayer, the study of the Word, and fellowship with other believers. For the most part, they saw themselves living under a Theocracy with God as their Sovereign Ruler. Not a popular viewpoint, I know. But look at the footprint they left behind. Signs, wonders, miracles, and most of all, you and me as products of the faith for which many gave their lives.
So, there's the evidence, what do you think? The world's shortcuts and dangerous detours or following the old paths?