Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Spirit of Constancy

We know salvation is more than escaping hell. It is God's intention to conform us to his image that is, give us his characteristics. And one facet of his character is constancy - he never changes.
For us this means we do not get time off from doing what we know is right or from living the truth of his Word. We forgive in order to be forgiven, continuous,  we love as he loves, we worship and honor God because of who he is...there is no end to any of this.
I am saddened because I can be somewhat of a rollercoaster and there are days when being a Christian is harder than others. Fortunately,  he has already anticipated my weakness and makes available his unfailing strength.
Lord, today we ask you to take us beyond our strength and cause us to truly live our lives "for your Name's sake." Loving, serving, everything we do because that is what you ask of us. Amen.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Practicing Peace

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk comes to us today courtesy of Sis.Marvalee Waite.
Just a reminder to self.
I enter into 2020 with this objective I am going to trust God in spite of. Saying that and doing it is not always easy. Today I am reminding myself of God’s perfect peace in this situation.
Nothing ever spins out of his control. Peace and worry are mutually exclusive. Worry throttles your confidence, chokes your perspectives, and suffocates your spirit. It robs you of the peace that comes from knowing the God who can handle anything, and through whom all things are possible. The reason we worry so much is because we engage in exactly the opposite behavior to that which brings peace. Worry is like a no confidence vote in God. You may not intend it that way, but every time you give in to worry, in essence, you’re saying: “I don’t believe God can or will handle this for me. I’m not sure I can trust Him in this matter, so I will just have to carry this situation and take care of this problem myself.” God is either the object of your trust or just a part time helper you call on when you can’t handle things on your own.
God never changes.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Politically Correct

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Hello Everyone, hope your fast is fulfilling both your spiritual and physical needs. The following was first posted January 14th, 2014. In addition to those prayer suggestions please remember Australia, Iraq and Iran, the families of those lost in the recent air disaster, and the Ukraine as they demand answers.
Would you consider adding a few more prayer foci to your Daniel Fast? Try these for example: persecuted Christians in Korea, Syria (top offenders) and the middle eastern countries, refugee situation in the Sudan, survivors in the Philippines, and us, here at home. Don't forget the country of your birth if you are an American by choice. lets practice the J-O-Y method of prayer. Jesus - worship, O-thers, and then Y-ou.
Love in Christ. #Daniel #Fast, #prayforamerica, #philippinesurvivors, #persecutedchurch, #prayforsudan,#prayforkorea, #prayforsyria,#prayforindia

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Fasting with Purpose

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
We are drawn to people either because of the image they portray or who we imagine them to be. The esteem would soon fade if we were to discover they are flawed as we are, often in the very same places.
Jesus loves us as we are. He is under no illusions,  has no false hopes, and will never change his mind. As we enter into this season of fasting and prayer and spending time in the Word, we are not doing it so Jesus will love us more. We set ourselves apart and quiet our spirits before him so we may know him and be responsive to the Holy Spirit. It is our love that will grow as his glorious image becomes more evident in us.
If you are starting your fast tomorrow at sundown here are a few reminders:
Establish your purpose before you start - for what are you Fasting?
Set a beginning and end date
Establish your dietary parameters (don't make it up as you go)
It's not about the food or what one is allowed to eat while on a Daniel Fast. Keep it simple and follow the plan
Make time for prayer and study/reading the Word
Journal or jot down your new insights as the LORD opens your eyes
Strive for changes that will last beyond 21, 30, 40 days or however long your consecration period happens to be. May the grace of God be upon us as seek him.
Here's a repost from Susan Gregory:

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!
As always, January means setting the pace  spiritually and physically through the practice of fasting and prayer. Please follow my Facebook posts as I share resources daily. Blessings!