Saturday, June 27, 2020

What About Now?

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Harry Chapin's unforgettable hit song "Cats in the Cradle" chronicles the life of a man from the prime of life as a young father to decades later as a retired grandfather.  One plaintive refrain echoes through the song "We'll get together then ...and we'll have a good time then." What is unsaid speaks even more poignantly because the hearer knows the shadowy time in the future never comes.
We cannot live in the future even when we are certain heaven is our home. Jesus says redeem the time "buy up the tme" use it wisely NOW, because we are in evil times. Are we living, serving, worshipping, reconciling, forgiving, working, witnessing...
Or are we saying to Jesus (and the people we care about) we'll get it together soon, well get together soon, "and we'll have a good time then (?) "
What about the 24 hours in today? How are we spending them?

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Your Words Matter

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Have you ever stop to consider that only God is All-powerful, Ever-present, and All-knowing? This is an attribute he,  in Sovereign wisdom, has retained for himself.
So, where does the devil get the information he uses to harass us? From eavesdropping. We speak defeat, we speak stress, we speak anxiety, and carry our uncertainties like a shield before us. What we speak, imply, and demonstrate, the enemy acts upon.
Its bad enough for the enemy to attack us but it's madness to provide him with the weapons!
Let's guard our words and responses. Speak faith instead of feelings; life instead of hopelessness; and courage even when our knees are knocking. There can be no tug-of-war unless someone is determined not to let go. Let us be that person who will decide God has this and let go ...
You would be surprised how those seemingly simple actions will turn the tide in your favor.
We walk in wisdom. 

Saturday, June 13, 2020


Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
My thoughts turn today to thankfulness.
Like many today, I have my moments when I get sucked into the quagmire of uncertainty brought about by current events. I get down and I see more clouds than sunshine.
Well, today I choose to focus on thankfulness for all the blessings God has given me. The list is long, far longer than the challenges. As the song says:
I've a roof up above me and a hood place to sleep
I've got food on my table and shoes on my feet
You gave me your Love Lord and a fine family
Thank you Lord for your blessings on me."
May I invite you to take a moment just to say thanks? First to God, and quite possibly to someone who has been a source of blessing or inspiration to you.


Saturday, June 6, 2020

Someone Bigger

For the past several days I have struggled with what to post. And what's more, I think many of you are finding yourself out of words and in an emotional tangle.
David, whatever his reason for penning  these words hundreds of years ago says it best: From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I (Psalm 62:1).
There is a prevaling sensory overload; more is happening than we can process let alone understand. Emotions are raw making even conversations at home guarded or downright difficult. 
What to do?
Run to the only one who has it together. Run to the Rock. Pray for the right words, attitude, and response. Remember if we had loved God with all our being and our neighbor or people as we do ourselves,  we would not be in this pickle. So  though we are in pain and our hearts are grieved, if we do not operate from a place of supernatural love, the situation will continue to get worse.
Pray from your heart,  pray the Scriptures and sometimes just sit in silence and let God speak to your spirit.
I pray for all of us. And I pray God will raise up leaders with the fortitude to make the hard choices and do the unpopular tasks in order to achieve meaningful change.