Saturday, December 26, 2020

'Tis the Reason

Weekly Word Hope you had a lovely Christmas and here's my wish for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. I know some of you are alone and the holidays rather than cheer, makes your home feel emptier. While I cannot deny the joy having company brings, its still not the reason for the season. Christmas is about Jesus. If our houses are filled to the rafters with people and all the trappings of the holidays and we miss the Baby in the manger as the focal point, we have nothing. Married, single, in or out of love, divorced, widowed, grieving or recovering - whatever state we are in, Jesus came to be our salvation. That makes it Christmas. That makes the season worth celebrating. So today I pray for those who are lonely. Be encouraged you are not forgotten or forsaken. And you have as much reason to be joyful because Jesus came for you. Let him fill your empty spaces with peace - He is the Prince of Peace. Thanks to those who faithfully follow Weekly Word. Please continue to share and let's spread the Good News together. Talk with you in 2021

Saturday, December 19, 2020

More than Gifts, Sparkles, and Lights

By this time next week, Christmas will have come and gone and we will be looking ahead to the celebrations welcoming a new year. But while we are yet in the season, let us be careful to remember the lights, the presents, and nostalgic songs is not what Christmas is all about. It’s more than finding true love, or returning to our roots, or even receiving special miracles. Christmas is the greatest story ever told, the most unbelievable drama enacted since Genesis. It’s about a God who laid aside his unapproachable glory to become a helpless baby. He did it so everyone could have access to him. But that’s not all. The birth in the manger was only the opening of the way to the cross. There, this Gentle Jesus would sacrifice his own life as the perfect Lamb, to save all who would believe in him. Christmas is so much more than lights, and sparkles, and gifts. The lights are symbols of the true Light of the World The gold and silver tinsel are tiny reminders of the splendors of heaven The gifts commemorate the greatest gift of all – Jesus The carols are reminders of the worship of angels and shepherds on the night Jesus was born And all the love stories are but faint echoes of the Greatest Love of all – God giving His Son Let’s not forget whether we say Merry Christmas, have a good winter break, or happy holidays, it is only possible because Jesus came. Yes, He is truly the reason for the season; let’s keep his name in His birthday celebration. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, and a bright and prosperous New Year.

Saturday, December 12, 2020


Weekly Word This morning as I got ready for work, I strapped on my watch, a Fitbit, that also tracks the number of steps I take each day. It occurred to me that it had cleared everything from yesterday and was now reset to zero. Immediately the Scripture filled my mind: It is because of the Lord’s loving kindnesses (mercy) that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great and beyond measure is Your faithfulness Lamentations 3: 22-23. This is what I realized. Sometime between yesterday and today’s dawn, God did a reset on my life. He cleared all the mercies/ loving-kindnesses he provided, those I accessed and those I did not, and he loaded a fresh store just for today. I have a fear not, a be strong, an I am with you, and innumerable other Words, spoken and implied, just waiting to be used. You simply cannot imagine how happy I am right now! But I can’t gloat or feel too special because God did the same for you. That’s right. You God a reset too because GOD DAILY LOADS US with BENEFITS! Hope this thought fuels your day.