So finally, after 20+ years of playing it safe, I decided to take the plunge and am now working as a travel nurse case manager with American Mobile Nurses. My first week I thought I made a horrible mistake. Each time I was introduced someone would respond, "A travelling who? I didn't know there was such a thing as a travelling Case Manager." By week two I broke the ice by saying, "I'm the oddity - a traveling Case Manager."
My first assignment is Lady Lake (close to Leesburg), at The Villages Regional Hospital, November through March 2013. In hospital nursing some things never change: too few nurses, too many demanding patients, too many really sick people, and not enough time to fulfill everyone's expectations. Learning a new software, policies and procedures, providers to refer patients for services after discharge is also the same. What is a little unnerving is the lack of attachment and believe me that is mutual - on the part of the traveler, me and that of the staff who are not that interested in forming a temporary relationship. Personally, I find the thought of not being at a locale long enough to see "the underbelly"attractive. Unless flaws are glaringly and persistently obvious, it's hard to get a truly negative picture in only three months. For those who may not want to jump into travel nursing blindfolded and with both feet, this site may provide some helpful links. Happy trails!