Sunday, August 19, 2018

If we walk it, they will come.

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
One of the things we did this weekend spending time with our children and grandchildren was visit Disney Springs. It provided the usual bustling crowd, a wide array of places to stop and shop, and yes entertainment - music of all kinds.
 I quickly noticed though all the music were good in their genre, not everyone stopped everywhere. And the musician that drew and maintained the biggest crowd was the one who had the most to offer.  He played 'a mean' Spanish guitar and he interacted with individual members of the audience. The thing is, he stood out.
We as believers are not performers seeking applause but we are on the world's stage. People watch us to see what we do. The people who make the biggest impression are those who show, without a doubt, they are different. Living epistles, as we are called, must have a better story than the world. Cities on a hill must have brighter lights. Followers of Christ must be seen to walking differently than the world. Only then, will we be able to cause others to glorify God because they see us as in, but not of the world. If we walk it, they  will come.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

While I wait, I will ...

This may be a preview for a few if you.But I want to share a thought I'll be speaking on August 26th (Miracle Temple, Poinciana).
We are people of faith, right? And some of us even know how to hitch fasting, prayer, and the Word to our faith to bolster its effectiveness.
But what we struggle with even after all that, is the waiting. Agree?
You see, God never promised an immediate answer to every prayer.
Abraham waited 25 years, Joseph 10, then there is David, and Jabez (time not given) and there is Anna and Simeon waiting for their first glimpse of the Messiah.
Perhaps even more unfathomable are the 700 years of silence between the Old and New Testaments, while creation held its breath for the Redeemer to make His entrance.
The trick is knowing what to while you wait.
In the doctor's office we read a magazine, at the movies we eat popcorn, drink soda and watch the trailers.
What will we do while our answer tarries? Will we get mad at God, be nasty to the people around us, or just fall off the ledge into bottomless depression?
As you walk through days or years of prayer what's your plan. Fill in the blank: While I wait I will........
Great is your faithfulness, O God.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Evidence , Please.

I don't understand how we can hide the evidence that we are Christians.  And I'm not talking about saying "praise the Lord saints" to everyone we meet,  carrying a Bible, or any of the overt signs of being saved.
Rather, I'm referring to the issue of who we should be in our "conversation" or way of life. As you walk into our home, you know a small child lives there.  There are no posters announcing his presence, his toys may not be all over every room, but the subtle signs are plain for all to see.
The refrigerator is his gallery. Then there are workbooks,  games, slippers , you get the idea. His presence is everywhere.
Wherever we are there should be no doubt to whom we belong. We should leave a trail of praises, gratitude, love and peace behind us. The fragrance of Christ should emanate from our person, in spite of all of our only too human imperfections. The question on the floor ladies and gentlemen is this: If you were in a room full of people in a pretty social interaction,  would there be enough evidence to convince those around you that you are a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ? Is there unmistakably evidence every single day?
As we walk testimony is one thing and I don't deny it's power. But what about the evidence?