Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Trusting God

Sharing powerful words of encouragement as we begin this day's journey.  Thanks Elaine Wright Colvin.
💕Are you feeling misunderstood, fearful, under spiritual warfare attack? Don't worry, God is there!
Psalm 9:4 NLT - For you have judged in my favor; from your throne you have judged with fairness.
Psalm 9:8-9 NLT - The Lord will judge the world with justice and rule, the nations with fairness. The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.
LAB NOTE: God upholds our just cause; he is our vindicator (One who clears us from criticism and justifies us before others). In this life, we may face many injustices:
(1) we may be falsely accused and misunderstood by friends and enemies;
(2) we may not be truly appreciated by others for the love we show;
(3) the true value of our work and service may not be duly rewarded;
(4) our ideas may be ignored.
But God is to be praised, for He sees and remembers all the good we do, and it is up to Him to decide the timing and the appropriateness of our rewards. If we do not Trust Him to vindicate us, then we will be susceptible to hatred and self-pity. If we do trust Him, we can experience God's peace and be free from the worry of how others perceive us and treat us.
Proverbs 29:26 NKJV - Many seek the ruler's favor, but justice for man comes from the Lord.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

To Your Health

I just like to check-in on everyone a few weeks after the fast to see how it's going. I know most of us are enjoying the  weight loss that was a natural and welcome side effect of fasting. So let me share a few pointers on how to capitalize on that bit of good fortune.
The most obvious is portion control. Your body may not be all that interested in eating large portions. Don't force it. And if the comfort foods don't taste quite as rewarding, keep them on hold as well. Remember this is also a great time to continue working on breaking the sugar habit.
Last, build in exercise. Walk a mile everyday you are at work and one other day besides. Park as far as you can from your office (on premises of course). Take the stairs a couple of times,  take a quick break around the building, and your regular up and down throughout the day will do the rest. 
We are responsible before God to be good stewards of our health as much as we are for our finances and everything else. Let's honor that trust.
Stay tuned. I also want to talk about keeping the spiritual advantage. So please,  join me again on Wednesday.
Blessed weekend and Lord's Day!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Which Kingdom are You In?

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
I'm convinced we frequently forget the church was birthed in turbulent political times. Jesus had to contend with the Pharisees, the Saducees, the Essenes/Zealots, Romans, the myriad divisions of Judaism, and the melting pot of just people, from all the places the Roman Eagle spread it's wings.
Still, he managed to seperate his kingdom from everyone else's. No matter what party we identify with, there are only two kingdoms. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world.
It's a problem when that gets blurred because it opens the door to division in the church.
Jesus made no bones about where the line is drawn. He says we should give to Cesar what is Cesar's and to God, what is God's.

Bible first, party second. Let the church be the church.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Look at the Fields

I found myself thinking about Jesus' Word to the disciples,  "Lift up your eyes and look at the fields." I find that in many cases we are so distracted as a people. Politics and the news take center stage.  So much so, when we tell people regardless of party lines, they need to pray, we are likely to be seen as favoring one side or the other.
There is also the multitude of personal concerns so that many of us could pray for hours, and not repeat a single request.
But Jesus urges us to lift up our eyes and look out to the world...I want to say look what is happening to believers around the world.  Persecution has ramped up in so called democracies and dictatorships are beginning to sound like they did in the 60's and beyond. 
This is not the time for church politics and pettiness. Look at the fields, the harvest needs to come in and we have tons of opposition. That my friends,  is where the fight really is. May God open our eyes.