As the holiday season slowly draws to a close, some of us are thinking about all the food boo-boos of the past few weeks. But before we rush into January with arm loads of good intentions, let's formulate a realistic plan. Think of our diet reorientation as a ladder and we are obviously starting at the bottom rung on week one. Goals should be SMALL to begin with. They should also be specigic and measurable, or we should know when we have achieved the objective. 2nd week add another small goal to the first week's goal and stick with both for week two. Repeat this pattern over the succeeding weeks .
Why do we need to dream small initially? Building in small wins provide encouragement to continue. And by working incrementally, we allow ourselves time to adjust to the change in eating pattern. Once again we are setting the stage to increase the chances of success.
January is also when many of us think about fasting for 21 or 30 days. Without a doubt there are many physical and spiritual benefits. Please stay tuned in January as I talk about this subject and provide resources for our journey into faith and fitness.
May the LORD bless you, and keep you, make his face shine upon you ... today and all through the coming year.
PS. Today I walked in the rain (with my umbrella) so there is no sunrise to share. But guess what, the Presence of the LORD was every bit as real. Hmmm, there's a message in that.