Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thanksgiving Day is finally here and Web sites from The Times to the tabloids present a dazzling display of recipes with attractive options for the novice and the well initiated. I imagine in another month or so those same sites will be bulging with offers to help us lose weight quickly – but I get ahead of myself. As I browse and do the email equivalent of clipping recipes, I can’t help wondering what would happen in our world if instead of pulling off major feasts one Thanksgiving Day a year we practiced “Thanksliving” on a daily basis.
Such a revolutionary idea would require things like being thankful instead of cherishing a spirit of entitlement or basking in what we have achieved by the bootstrap method. We would allow ourselves to be inconvenienced and start an enduring revolution by practicing being neighborly as Jesus defines it. We would probably understand why keeping two commandments i.e. love God above all else, love people as much as our own selves, work a whole lot better than trying to keep ten, one at a time. I am not dreaming nor am I drunk. It’s just that as a bonafide citizen of another world, I tend to believe my King has the right notion. He says if we live something like the above we would really see His kingdom come and His will be done and the world would take notice that Christ does make a difference.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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