Saturday, April 14, 2018

Keep the Change

Did you know your body works against you as soon as you begin to lose significant weight? So if you lost say ten pounds and you get the feeling of being always hungry, you are not imagining it.
How do you keep the change when you are challenged with having to  look at those food commercials and think about what has been removed from your new lifestyle eating plan?
I'm not a dietician but this works for me.
1. No one can live on a diet. Life gets pretty tedious counting every drop of everything to be ingested.
2. Moderation is sustainable and can be just as healthy. Have the smallest serving possible of what you crave, and move on. It's dangerous to say, "I messed up so it doesn't matter." Doing the right thing,  eating healthy always matters.
3. Variety is your friend. Pretty soon even more fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables will be available. Try some new ones or old standbys in new combinations.
 4. Remember this is for the long haul.
Keep the change you have made by doing all the same things that got you to this point.
Your health will thank you.

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