Merit raises, performance bonuses, fee for service, and promotions, all have one thing in common. They are things we earn. If we are not careful our Christian life can reflect the same pattern - doing more to earn more. Who puts that pressure on us? Our acquaintances, those we lead and most of all, ourselves.
No one wants to admit to having "feet of clay" so we do everything possible to live an image.
Listen, God loves you and his favor is a free gift. One cannot earn a gift.
Yes, we work and try to be steadfast in our devotion to God but it's not because those actions will get us extra points.
What we do is from a place of deep gratitude for what he has already done. If works have made you the hamster in the wheel, you will only get burnt out. You won't be happier by simply going faster; you won't be fulfilled by being recognized. At least not for long.
That is why the Word tells us to do all we do as unto God i.e. to please him. That's it. Not for reward or promotion but as a gift to him. We don't expect payment when we give a gift, right?
Next week or next work day remember to pray: Lord, let all my service to others be a gift to you.
No one wants to admit to having "feet of clay" so we do everything possible to live an image.
Listen, God loves you and his favor is a free gift. One cannot earn a gift.
Yes, we work and try to be steadfast in our devotion to God but it's not because those actions will get us extra points.
What we do is from a place of deep gratitude for what he has already done. If works have made you the hamster in the wheel, you will only get burnt out. You won't be happier by simply going faster; you won't be fulfilled by being recognized. At least not for long.
That is why the Word tells us to do all we do as unto God i.e. to please him. That's it. Not for reward or promotion but as a gift to him. We don't expect payment when we give a gift, right?
Next week or next work day remember to pray: Lord, let all my service to others be a gift to you.