Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
We all love the fearless Elijah for whom even King Ahab had a healthy respect. It's powerful stuff calling down fire, being fed by ravens, raising the dead, and at the end of the journey departing to glory in a chariot if fire!
Yep. Elijah was the man.
But who remember the not so glorious days? Elijah running from Jezebel. Elijah so lonely and discouraged he is convinced he is the only righteous person left. But wait, there's more. What about Elijah depressed, laying down and praying to die?
What? Wasn't he annointed and filled with the Spirit of the Lord?
Sure he was. Then what happened?
Being human is what happened. Sometimes we give so much, we come up empty. And physical and mental exhaustion are two of the devil's favorite places to play.
Down does not mean backslidden or spiritually dead. It's just a side effect of being human.
Keep crying out to God. Be honest with him and wait...
He'll send angels.
God bless you, Friend.
We all love the fearless Elijah for whom even King Ahab had a healthy respect. It's powerful stuff calling down fire, being fed by ravens, raising the dead, and at the end of the journey departing to glory in a chariot if fire!
Yep. Elijah was the man.
But who remember the not so glorious days? Elijah running from Jezebel. Elijah so lonely and discouraged he is convinced he is the only righteous person left. But wait, there's more. What about Elijah depressed, laying down and praying to die?
What? Wasn't he annointed and filled with the Spirit of the Lord?
Sure he was. Then what happened?
Being human is what happened. Sometimes we give so much, we come up empty. And physical and mental exhaustion are two of the devil's favorite places to play.
Down does not mean backslidden or spiritually dead. It's just a side effect of being human.
Keep crying out to God. Be honest with him and wait...
He'll send angels.
God bless you, Friend.