Sunday, October 27, 2019


Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Hello Folks! I worked yesterday, missed posting,  but I still want to give a word. I capture sunrises on my walks and I'm always amazed at a few things. There is a sunrise every morning, even if it is raining where I am. It fascinates me that though I have taken loads of pictures, every sunrise is different. And, last I  rejoice the source is always the same.
We can use sunrises as a reminder of God's faithfulness. He does not change when it's raining where we are. He will manifest himself in different ways as each situation demands but we can rest secure knowing he is our source. The next time you watch the shift from night to day,  remember, the God who covenants to be your Everything is as faithful and constant as the sunrise. You can count on him, every day of your life and all the way through eternity.
Blessings on your week!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Family First

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Do you know your family is your first and primary mission field? If those closest to us are last priority on our list, it is almost impossible to think we are going to win them to Christ. The order is God, family, church...
Don't fail to be involved in the lives of your children even to to the point of saying "no" to other activities. Charity (or love in this case) begins at home. 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Lord, I Believe

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Have you ever wondered why more miracles happen in foreign places than in our local churches? I have. And one thing being in Kenya last week taught me is that some people hear healing is available, they come with expectancy. Jesus  healed only a few people in his hometown because only a few people believed enough to show up. Those few who came were healed. What would happen if we walked into church not just because it's the day we worship but expecting God to meet us there? Are we believers who believe or are we just going along with the words because it's in the Bible? I believe God wants to show himself strong in our lives. But we must challenge ourselves to have a faith in God that calls out to him and wait until He answers. Not wonder if he will...
He is the God of the 21st Century as much as he was in the 1st. Prove him. Thank you Paul and Lynn Crawford and the entire church planting Team in Kisumu.