We know salvation is more than escaping hell. It is God's intention to conform us to his image that is, give us his characteristics. And one facet of his character is constancy - he never changes.
For us this means we do not get time off from doing what we know is right or from living the truth of his Word. We forgive in order to be forgiven, continuous, we love as he loves, we worship and honor God because of who he is...there is no end to any of this.
I am saddened because I can be somewhat of a rollercoaster and there are days when being a Christian is harder than others. Fortunately, he has already anticipated my weakness and makes available his unfailing strength.
Lord, today we ask you to take us beyond our strength and cause us to truly live our lives "for your Name's sake." Loving, serving, everything we do because that is what you ask of us. Amen.