Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
Fear swirls about us clouding judgement and threatening to destroy inner peace. As a healthcare professional I know only too well the theat of COVID-19 gaining a foothold should not be underestimated. But, fear is a choice and so is faith.
What are the spiritual take aways from the past few months? The Bible is being fulfilled right before our very eyes. God does not have to do a spectacular miracle to create a situation so we can say, " aha, there's the hand of God." No, it's in the mundane and often unexpected that we see the prophecies of Matthew 24 and onwards coming to pass.
Famines, floods, incessant wars, pestilence (Coronavirus, locusts, and the like) and the resulting "mens/people's heart failing because of fear" are as Biblical as it gets.
We don't know if it will be a nuclear explosion that will cause the sun to turn into blood, and if it will be that fallout which will result in people gnawing their tongues in pain. But, everything is lined up and all is leading to the second coming of Christ. Let's not rationalize or overthink the events of our time.
Read the Bible, all of Matthew then Revelation. Line up what you read with global news headlines, and then see how comfortable you can be calling everything one grand coincidence.
Christ says that when we see all these things we should look up for our redemption is at hand (closer now than when we first believed).
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