Looking at the Covid-19 trend from around mid-July until today, August 29th, the graft gives a lot of reason for hope. The curve has not just flattened, but in fact shows a decrease in the number of new cases. Granted, this could easily change when we hit the two weeks mark following the reopening of schools and places of business.
While the dread of the infection seems to be going in the right direction, not so the strife and bitterness toward each other. It's even more pronounced as the respective political parties make their bid for this nation's future.
May I suggest we truly open our eyes? Pull the manifestos or the platforms on which these candidates and incumbents are running from the internet, line it up beside what the Bible says, and determine what you are willing to sacrifice. Neither one will be 100% for Christian values but we should be able to determine which is the lesser evil. This is my simplified definition of voting your faith.
We need each other; the infighting must stop. A house, any house, divided against itself, falls. It may not look like it but God has not given up his position; there is no need for him to seek re-election. We do not have to destroy ourselves in order to solve our problems. Let us seek God with all our hearts. He is, and forever will be, in complete control.