I have said before I love walking because it is such a perfect metaphor for life.
This morning the skies were a heavy dark grey, with only lacy edgings of light where the sunrise should have been. 45 minutes into my walk a heavy drizzle started and I ran for shelter at a gas station. After the shower ended, I noticed the sky was lightening way up ahead in the general direction of where I intended to go.
I set off again thinking it will only be cooler but there would be no reason not to complete my walk. No sooner than I completed the thought than the clouds tipped over, drenching me in seconds. Resolve forgotten I turned around and headed back toward home. As you may imagine, fierce as that downpour started, it ended almost as quickly. The sun came out, there puffy white clouds and patches of blue, and before long, a rainbow.
No one, that I know of at any rate, sets out hoping it will rain on their "walk." But life happens and problems can unexpectedly arise. Trust the spirit inside you saying it will be okay, and walk on. You will get wet but you won't melt; maybe even a tad uncomfortable but home is not far away. Walk on, go the the distance and Sonshine will overtake you.
Have a safe weekend, blessed Sabbath, and wonderful Lord's day tomorrow.
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