Thursday, December 27, 2012

You Are A Traveling Who?

So finally, after 20+ years of playing it safe, I decided to take the plunge and am now working as a travel nurse case manager with American Mobile Nurses. My first week I thought I made a horrible mistake. Each time I was introduced someone would respond, "A travelling who? I didn't know there was such a thing as a travelling Case Manager." By week two I broke the ice by saying, "I'm the oddity - a traveling Case Manager."
My first assignment is Lady Lake (close to Leesburg), at The Villages Regional Hospital, November through March 2013. In hospital nursing some things never change: too few nurses, too many demanding patients, too many really sick people, and not enough time to fulfill everyone's expectations. Learning a new software, policies and procedures, providers to refer patients for services after discharge is also the same. What is a little unnerving is the lack of attachment and believe me that is mutual - on the part of the traveler, me and that of the staff who are not that interested in forming a temporary relationship. Personally, I find the thought of not being at a locale long enough to see "the underbelly"attractive. Unless flaws are glaringly and persistently obvious, it's hard to get a truly negative picture in only three months. For those who may not want to jump into travel nursing blindfolded and with both feet, this site may provide some helpful links. Happy trails!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Israel and The End Times

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem," Psalm 122:6. As we rest in the afterglow of Thanksgiving and probably plan new disguises for leftovers in the coming week, let's not forget Israel. What affects them ultimately affects the world and Christians in particular. Christ said to use their events as a calendar to inform us when his coming is close. The Bible is being fulfilled right before our very eyes.
There is no use trying to deny the reality of an "end time." Ecclesiastes tells us God has placed eternity in our hearts. Today movie producers, authors, scientists and Christians all speak with some conviction of this time the Bible refers to as that day or the Day of the Lord.

Fortunately, just as God used Israel to be the bearer of Redemption he is also using them to chronicle the progression and the eventual end of earthly history. Christ says when we see all that has happened to Israel since 1948 to the present, we are to take notice; "look up for our redemption draws near." Whose redemption? That of the church and believers in Christ. Israel's final conflict will also herald the earths death throes and the ushering in of a glorious eternity with Christ for those who believe. No nation, no matter how powerful or how much nuclear capability they have at their disposal, will be able to annihilate Israel. It's not on God's calendar.

If you have any doubts that God fights for Israel now as he did against the nations of antiquity, read the events of the "Six Day War"
God is still able. Last, God is also true and will not go back on his word. Pray for Israel, pray for their aggressors, and pray that Christians will rise to the challenge of standing with the Chosen People, the earthly relatives of our Lord and our Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Its Travelling time. Do you know what your fees are?

On my recent trip to St. Thomas USVI, my hosts booked with Spirit Airlines because of an attractivly low fare. I packed carefully making sure my bag was well under fity pounds (because I thought that was the limit) and had a nice carry on, handbag and computer. Oops! One piece two many. The computer would count as one carry on, and I would need to pay $45 for the legitimate carry-on or $50 to have it checked. I choose the later and found the first piece of checked luggage was also $50. In  other words, I paid $100.00 for my duffle bag and one carry-on-size piece of luggage. Aggravation number one.

Did I miss something? When did airlines start charging for a glass of water? Spirit Airlines has no in-flight hospitality whatsoever. Two and a half hours to St. Thomas from Fort Lauderdale and if you get thirsty they are more than happy to sell you a bottle of water. Angst number 2, though I purchased water and snack before boarding. Just the principle of the thing.

On the way back to Florida I exercised the same care packing and this time the bag was 49 lbs. Still under fifty, right? Not as far as  Spirit was concerned. My hosts were with me and heard when I was told I was 9 lbs over weight. So now my one piece of checked baggage should weigh only 40lbs??? I re-shuffled some stuff and checked in at 45 or 44lbs. Rub number 3.

Aside from being put out by the hassle, I guess the point I am making is simply to reiterate the old saw: "If it looks too good to be true it usually is." In these days of fluid pricing, read the fine print when you book a flight. All airlines do not have the same weight limits or luggage charge. AirTran for example charges $20 for the first checked piece and $25 for the second (Ft. Lauderdale to Atlanta). Look out for additional charges on bulkhead or window seats (Spirit will hit you up for an additional $50 for "the big front seat." By now you know, this relationship just ended. Spirit Airlines will not be my carrier of choice (or that of my hosts).

The good note? I had a marvellous trip.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm a Grandma or a Mimi to be exact ...

Well the last few weeks have flown by in a blissful haze as my husband and I completed another rite of passage i.e. becoming grandparents. Our daughter Lauren and Tyson gave us a beautiful grandson - Anthony Tyson Johnson on October 19th.
It seemed surreal sitting in the labor and delivery room listening to the muted whump-whump, whump of the baby's heartbeat, and watch the contractions peak and subside on the monitor. Who can begin to describe the memories of 29 years ago when I, without all the aids and devices that are now standard hospital equipment,waited for what I intuitively knew, would be our baby girl. Now here she was bravely waiting for her son.

I could not help wondering, at what point did this child "become" a human being? At his conception, his first heartbeat, the first quiver of movement, or now as we watched his heartbeats rise and fall on the monitor? Maybe, none of those maybe it happened at the moment when he made his complete entry in a rush of warm fluid, at the moment the doctor flipped him over and his eyes popped opened in the glaring light of day, for the first time.

Later you say? Possibly when the nurses rubbed and patted him all over to elicit the life-giving, lung expanding first cry? Surely, somewhere along the line, he evolved into personhood, but when???
Psalm 139 springs to memory. My grandson was known of God as a human being the moment he was knitted together in his mother's womb, in God's book all his tiny members were written before they were formed; from the moment of conception. What a glorious miracle!

So, going into his third week of life he is gorgeous (of course) is out of his newborn diapers into size one's was has gained over two lbs and grown some 2.5 inches. On Monday he weight 8+ lbs and is 21.5 inches long. Welcome little Guy Mimi and Papa love you to pieces!

Julie Gorman via 
Nov 5 (2 days ago)
to me

Remember WHO GOD IS

Ever feel in over your head? Tested beyond your perceived strength? Positioned in a place where you question God what are you doing? Why am I here? What are you calling me to? 

If so, be encouraged and remember...Our deliverance, our victory, and our ability to obey is provided through trusting in WHO GOD IS and WHAT HE IS CAPABLE OF.

In Genesis 22:1-12, God tells Abraham, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about." And so, "the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about. On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. He said to his servants," Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you." Then, "Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, "Father?" "Yes, my son?" Abraham replied. "The fire and wood are here," Isaac said, "but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" Abraham answered, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." And the two of them went on together. When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the LORD called out to him from heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!" "Here I am," he replied. "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son." (NIV)

Whew. Can you imagine? I know I've been called to sacrifice many things, things I loved, but my own flesh and blood...WOW!

So, where did Abraham muster his courage to offer up Isaac? How could he live so abandoned to God's command?

There are many possible solutions to these questions but I believe none as pertinent as the answer found in Hebrew 11:17-19. It says, "By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him," It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned." Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death." (NIV)

Abraham's obedience resided in His complete confidence of in WHO GOD IS AND IN GOD'S ABILITY, not his own. He didn't focus on what he could or couldn't do...instead...he shifted his attention to remember GOD! He trusted in God's goodness and in God's power.


When fear grips your heart and challenges your faith...Remember WHO GOD I!
When you don't feel like you can do what He has called you to...Remember WHAT HE HAS PROMISED.
When you feel alone...Remember GOD IS FOR YOU.
When your faith is assaulted and you face huge battles...Remember God's character and His power!

Friend, God can be trusted. He is faithful. And, He loves you.

I pray God strengthens you and fills you with His presence so that you have the strength to declare (as the Apostle Paul did in 2 Timothy 1:12) "I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day." (NIV) 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

God Requires Risky Obedience

“Risk your life and get more than you ever dreamed of.” (Luke 19:26 MSG)

If God tells you to take a step of faith but you hesitate to take it until he shows you what the second step will be, you’re not waiting on God. He’s waiting on you.
God uses risks, large and small, to push us into a deeper faith. And so he wants us to step forward in faith, even if we don’t know where the second step will take us. The not knowing is what requires faith, and the not knowing compels us to rely on God to guide us forward.
Regardless of what we see on the other side of a God-directed risk, the reality is God is there. What seems to be a no-guarantee situation actually comes with the greatest guarantee of all — a God-guarantee — that he’s working in your life.
With this guarantee from God, you can enter into the risky obedience of attempting things that are impossible unless God gives you his strength to do them.
With this guarantee from God, you can enter into the risky obedience of loving other believers so deeply and so richly that you prove to the world that God’s love is flowing through you.
With this guarantee from God, you can enter into the risky obedience of loving your unlovable neighbors just as God loved you, even when you seemed unlovable.
With this guarantee from God, you can enter into the risky obedience of changing your priorities to match God’s priorities, sacrificing, in faith, what you cannot keep for the things that can never be taken away.
With this guarantee from God, you can engage in the risky obedience of making disciples of all peoples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them that the risky obedience of following Jesus comes with a God-guarantee (Matthew 28:19-20).
What task is before you that seems impossible?
How should your approach to that task change when you believe it comes from God?
Jon Walker’s new book, Breakfast with Bonhoeffer, is a story of God’s faithfulness during struggles with bipolar disorder, divorce, and economic uncertainty.
This devotional © Copyright 2012 Jon Walker. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
The post God Requires Risky Obedience appeared first on Grace Creates.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Talk about "Restraint" ...

Citing multiple meanings to one word as well as nuances or implied meanings, Non-English speakers often categorize English as one of the most difficult languages to learn. Take the word restraint, for example what does it really mean? Well, depends on the setting or circumstance.
In healthcare, a restraint may be a straitjacket to restrict the movements of a violent patient or to keep a frail, demented patient from crawling out of bed. It can be chemical, a sedative, offering protecting after a delicate surgery. For parents it’s the car seat restricting the movement of a child; for the battered spouse it’s the law setting geographic boundaries the abuser may not cross. Governments exercise restraint by ensuring diplomacy trumps aggression so war is not the inevitable result of all conflicts.
This however, is far from the end of the story on restraint. Romans chapter 14 portrays yet another level of meaning – spiritual restraint powered by agape love. Surely it is no accident that a-gape means wide open and agape‘s very life force is self-sacrifice.  Jesus best epitomizes this kind of love and by his empowerment; Christ followers are admonished to practice the same kind of love, from which restraint inevitably flows.
But to get to yet another shade of meaning, i.e. exercising restraint or a conscious call to be ever aware how our words and actions affect those around us. The Apostle Paul zeroed in on the question of the new freedoms Christ-followers were exercising in the area of dietary laws and communal association. Many Jews were taking quite literal Jesus’ words that one is defiled by what comes out of the heart as expressed by words and actions, versus what one eats. Others believed the Jewish dietary laws were to be held inviolate and struggled to accept Christians as “real believers” if they ate foods that had always been forbidden.
Paul called the believers to exercise restraint because of love.  He said, “If you are hurting others by the foods you eat, you are not guided by love. Don’t let your appetite destroy someone Christ died for (Roman 14:15, Contemporary English Bible). Let’s take this a little further and ask, what about words? What if we changed that text to read, (If you are hurting others by the [words you speak], you are not guided by love. Don’t let your [words] destroy someone Christ died for? Think about that for a moment. I may be able to shrug off deep hurts caused by cutting words. But what about the person on whom I want to unload a verbal barrage? How might their life be affected by my words, and for how long?
Do I have the right to knowingly so injure someone for whom Christ died?
My best definition of restraint today would include words like: an object, a protective device, a law, or a behavior employed for the protection and wellbeing of another. I better make sure I have mine on today. What about you?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Talk about the way god works ....

Once again I am sharing with you what my friends share with me. Today my WINIndia partner Elaine Colvin reminded me, "God is seldom early, never late and always on time." What agony we endure when we allow ourselves to forget, God works off his own schedule!

You may want to consider subscribing to some of the sites I will be featuring this month. Here's another. Be Blessed!

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Join Billy Graham in the "My Hope"
nationwide outreach November 2013.

Did you know on average 7 of your neighbors struggle with depression, 7 have substance abuse problems, 8 are unemployed, and 60 do not profess to know Jesus Christ as Savior? Imagine what God will do in your community if you and your church partner to offer hope through a massive, yet personal, outreach in November 2013! FOR MORE INFORMATION–CLICK HERE.

Online GivingFor information on making a tax-deductible one-time contribution or a monthly automatic gift to support the ministry of Prime Time With God daily devotional, Click Here.

Today's Prayer

God, I have heard that you are never late, seldom early, but always on time. When I think back through the experiences of my life, I can see the truth in that statement. Thank you for always being on time. Thank you for the lessons you have taught me through waiting, through suffering, through the storms and valleys and for your faithfulness always. Thank you for the rays of sun that peaked through the clouds in the way of a praying spirit and helping hand from other Christians.  Thank you for the sun that shone brightly after the storms and cloudy days, and for your son who is my sun and shield, the Lord Jesus Christ. If you had always been on my time schedule, I wouldn't have learned much in life, so I am thankful that you are always on time according to your schedule. I praise you for who you are and all you've done. May I be found worthy in your sight through the blood of the Savior. In His name I pray, amen.

Understanding What God Has Given
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1, by Os Hillman
"We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us." 1 Corinthians 2:12
God desires for us to know what He has freely given to us. One of the responsibilities of the Holy Spirit is to reveal His plans and purposes to us. They may be hidden for a time, but if we seek Him with our whole heart, we can know what He has given to us.
John the Baptist understood this principle. When asked if he was the Messiah, he replied, "A man can receive only what is given him from heaven" (Jn. 3:27). John understood his role in the Kingdom of God. He came to pave the way for the Messiah; he was not the Messiah himself. His ministry on earth was very brief, yet Jesus described his life in this way: " 'I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he' " (Mt. 11:11).
Once we understand what God has given to us, we can walk freely in our calling. However, if we strive to walk in a role that He never gave us, it will result in frustration and failure. God wants to reveal His plan to us by His Spirit. This requires a willingness to seek and accept what He gives us. It may be different from what we thought. It may require adjustments to follow His path for our lives. As we learn from the life of John the Baptist, obedience requires death to our own wills.
Ask God to reveal what He has freely given to you. Pray that you receive and embrace only those things He has reserved for you to receive and to accomplish in your life. Then you can be assured of a life full of meaning and purpose, and you can look forward to hearing those all-important words someday, "Well done, My good and faithful servant."

Today God Is First (TGIF) devotional message, Copyright by Os Hillman, Marketplace Leaders.

...Gift of Administration

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cec Murphey's October Newsletter

Here's an article I hope many of you, who are not on Cec's mailing list will enjoy.

"Busy, Very Busy"
Six months after George's retirement, I asked, "How are you doing these days?"
"I'm busy, very busy. I'm busier now than before I retired."
His words shocked me. I thought retirement meant cessation of work and an opportunity to relax and enjoy sitting on the porch or taking a daily nap. I've since heard those same words from others.
Those statements imply the significance of productivity—of usefulness—of having value because of what they accomplish. Some of us hold the secret fear that if we don't keep doing something practical we're worth nothing. Therefore, we keep proving we're significant by our output.
For most of my life, that's been true of me. It's taken me years to say that staying constantly on the go doesn't make me a more worthwhile person. It means I've missed out on simple pleasures because I didn't want to "waste" time, and every minute had to count for something.
Maybe that's why God created our bodies to wear out—we're forced to slow down, to do less, and to appreciate the quiet moments of life.
Some may laugh that I'd talk about retiring and relishing life because I stay busy. Some days that reality saddens me because I'm not apt at doing nothing.
By contrast, the first question and answer of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, written in 1647, goes this way: "What is the chief end of man? [We'd say humanitytoday.] The answer: "The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever." 
Most of us don't grasp that second part. To enjoy God certainly means to find pleasure in being alive. Many of us are too busy to delight—regularly—in the things of life.
I don't know when I'll retire, but I already have an answer I want to give when someone asks, "How are you doing since you retired?"
"Not very much."
The more I value who I am,
the less I have to prove who I am.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Don't Stop Now ...

So August danced in and rushed out - and so did our prayer time. I hope you will still continue to pray everyday. Just watch the news and you will find plenty of items to pray about. There is also the International House of Prayer ministries - streams live 24/7 at ; in Miami check out David Futrell at Tomorrow and Friday please pray for Leaders across all 50 states and Territories that they will act justly, serve with integrity, and uphold high moral standards; also for churches that they will be lighthouses of truth, havens of hope, and centers of love for all people; for Christians that we would be witnesses for Christ, humble servants of Christ, and positive influences on society. Also pray for a spiritual awakening across the nation and Territories, that truly God's kingdom would come and his will would be done. Remember those affected by the storm and the ones with the task to provide safety and shelter ... God bless you and thanks for caring enough to pray.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Marketing through Webinars

I had the brilliant idea to get some writing done on this my unscheduled day off. Not happening. Today, there is no getting past the sea of underpopulated white pages; either writers' block or wool gathering. Anyway, I gave up and tried learning something instead and found some basic instructions on how to host a webinar. The article also mentions several new (to me) social media platforms you may be interested in following. Hope someone finds this helpful.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Praying for America

Tomorrow marks day 23 of our daily prayer for America. Since it takes only 3 weeks to form a habit, after this month is gone, praying for America every day should be second nature. So, we pray for Christians, leaders and churches in Texas and Utah; pray for Representatives and Senators who serve in Congress, that they will govern with God honoring discernment and preserve the freedoms we have so long enjoyed. Special note: we seem to be heading into hurricane preparation mode, let's pray for mercy and ask God to divert the rain to the fires instead. Are you with me? Amen.

Please remember during the month of August, you can check my Facebook page for daily prayer prompts as we pray for America.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Faith, not feelings.

Well I think my computer and internet finally decided to "lay aside all malice" after the third or fourth reboot - so I am back on line. Yeah! Did you know God honors his word and the prayers of his people even when we don't feel like it and have to "press" to pray (or praise for that matter)? We walk by faith not feelings. That said, as you continue to pray for America you may see the news and feel like you are just wasting time. Don't believe it for a moment especially as that is exactly what the enemy wants you to think. Tomorrow we pray for Rhode Island and South Carolina, the President and Vice President, the Presidential Candidate and Running Mate. Pray for clarity and truth and God's wisdom.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Praying for America

Pray for leaders, churches and Christians in Kentucky and Louisiana; pray for the children and youth of America, that God will grant them protection of body, soul, mind and spirit and fill them with godly desires and true hopes.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

August: God Days Of Summer - Daily Prayers for America

Praying for leaders, churches, and Christians in Connecticut and Delaware and for those who serve as police officers, prosecutors, defenders, judges and justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, that they would be vigilant in service and judgment. Every prayer matters; "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous person, avails much." Would you take a moment before you make your next post and just breathe a prayer?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Billy Graham: 'My Heart Aches for America'

Billy Graham: 'My Heart Aches for America'


July 24, 2012 - In a new prayer letter Billy Graham writes: "My heart aches for America and its deceived people. The wonderful news is that our Lord is a God of mercy, and He responds to repentance."

Billy Graham: 'My Heart Aches for America'
The farther we get from God, the more the world spirals out of control.
Billy Graham: 'My Heart Aches for America'
Some years ago, my wife, Ruth, was reading the draft of a book I was writing. When she finished a section describing the terrible downward spiral of our nation’s moral standards and the idolatry of worshiping false gods such as technology and sex, she startled me by exclaiming, “If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”

She was probably thinking of a passage in Ezekiel where God tells why He brought those cities to ruin. “Now this was the sin of ... Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen” (Ezekiel 16:49–50, NIV).

I wonder what Ruth would think of America if she were alive today. In the years since she made that remark, millions of babies have been aborted and our nation seems largely unconcerned. Self-centered indulgence, pride, and a lack of shame over sin are now emblems of the American lifestyle.

Just a few weeks ago in a prominent city in the South, Christian chaplains who serve the police department were ordered to no longer mention the Name of Jesus in prayer. It was reported that during a recent police-sponsored event, the only person allowed to pray was someone who addressed “the being in the room.” Similar scenarios are now commonplace in towns across America. Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone—except God.

Yet the farther we get from God, the more the world spirals out of control.

My heart aches for America and its deceived people. The wonderful news is that our Lord is a God of mercy, and He responds to repentance. In Jonah’s day, Nineveh was the lone world superpower—wealthy, unconcerned, and self-centered. When the Prophet Jonah finally traveled to Nineveh and proclaimed God’s warning, people heard and repented.

I believe the same thing can happen once again, this time in our nation. It’s something I long for, and my son Franklin recently shared a vision for perhaps the greatest challenge in the history of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association—to launch an outreach called My Hope with Billy Graham that would bring the Gospel into neighborhoods and homes in every corner of America next year.

BGEA has already taken My Hope to more than 50 nations. We’ve worked in close partnership with local churches across each country, and those churches have reported millions of life-changing decisions for Christ. Carrying out a nationwide American version of this evangelistic outreach will be an enormous undertaking, but in my spirit I know God has called us to do this, and I pray He will stir your heart to join us in prayer and support.

Franklin will share more about the project with you as the planning develops. In the meantime, all this year Franklin and his son Will are preaching “repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21, ESV) at Crusade events across North America—from Texas to Canada—and God has blessed the work. Already tens of thousands have heard the Gospel, and many have responded, especially young people.

As I write, I am in the middle of a busy summer enjoying visits with many of my grandchildren and other family members, but also working hard on a new book that addresses some dangerous illusions about eternal salvation that are becoming increasingly accepted in many places. I want to point the world to what the Bible says.

Although age and health restrict my mobility and my stamina, not to mention my eyesight and hearing, I am thankful for the days God has given me, and I am humbled by His continued hand of favor on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The Lord draws people to Himself daily through BGEA’s various evangelistic ministries, and I am so deeply grateful. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Let us pray ...

It's August and pretty soon we will begin to hear folks talking about "the dog days of summer." I propose we do something different this year. Let's make them "The God Days" instead, by praying for America every day this month. The site featured is one of many offering prayer guides and other resources for intercessors. Inexpensive prayer maps are available at "spire resources" and others. Today we pray for the President and Vice President that they will honor God in their decisions. Come on Believers; let us pray.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

'Bigger and Better' Than Ever

10th Annual Best Dressed Fun in the Son, Jamaica's Premiere Gospel Festival, is 'Bigger and Better' Than Ever
KINGSTON, Jamaica, July 17, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Approximately 80,000 people flooded National Heroes Park - the largest open space in Kingston - on Saturday for the 10th annual Fun in the Son music festival. World evangelist Andrew Palau, singer Kirk Franklin, and a bevy of Jamaican artists set their sights on transforming the community through music, service, and the Good News of Jesus Christ. The festival was an official part of Jamaica's Year of Jubilee, celebrating 50 years of national independence.

Audience and organizers alike say this year marks a milestone in the festival's size and impact. "I was speechless," read a tweet from Franklin on Sunday. "They didn't come for me...they came to see the King!" Other performers included local favorites Junior Tucker, Goddy Goddy, Carlene Davis, DJ Nicholas, and Papa San, who closed the show with a dynamic and emotional performance.

Palau gave a potent, biblical message, sharing how he chose to follow Jesus at a similar event in Kingston in 1993. "What could you possibly be waiting for?" he asked as he invited the crowd to pray. "Don't wait one more day to respond to God." About 3,000 people made a decision to follow Jesus during the Fun in the Son campaign, including 1,164 who texted in their responses within 15 minutes of Palau's message.

"It was beautiful," said Ann-Marie Francis, who lives in Kingston. Francis also expressed a hope that the annual event would continue. "The community needs it. We need it can save a lot of souls."

While the one-day festival proved to be the centerpiece of the initiative, the Fun in the Son campaign began one week earlier with outreaches in prisons, schools, and inner-city neighborhoods.

On Wednesday evening, the Palau team led an outreach in the center of Trench Town, one of Kingston's most volatile neighborhoods. Extreme sports athletes, returning for their second year of performing at Fun in the Son, rode through Trench Town's streets, gathering children of all ages to the Ambassador Theater for an evening of music and a message of hope.

Festival organizers also took some of the music and extreme sports to two Jamaican prisons and shared the Good News of Jesus with about 2,500 inmates. Throughout the week, mission teams from Nebraska, Florida, and Oregon performed evangelistic outreaches and community service projects, such as painting classrooms and providing entertainment for children at local schools and orphanages.

Fun in the Son received extensive coverage by local media beginning weeks before the campaign. Palau and Chris Levy, president of local company and festival sponsor Jamaica Broilers Group Ltd., appeared on the country's top morning show, Smile Jamaica. The Jamaica Gleaner, one of the country's biggest newspapers, summarized the event with the headline, "Patrons Enjoy Bigger, Better 'Fun In The Son'."

Festival sponsors Best Dressed Chicken, its parent company Jamaica Broilers, and Glory Music have collaborated with local churches to host several evangelistic events across Jamaica, including the Luis Palau Crusade at which Andrew Palau accepted Jesus Christ. The full, gripping account of Andrew's raw journey to faith is told in his debut book, The Secret Life of a Fool, available now. For more information about Andrew Palau and his ministry, visit
Christian Newswire

Friday, July 6, 2012

It's in the doing

I persuaded myself to go to the gym this evening and called my husband to tell him where I'd be. He told me to "have fun." I told him that was unlikely but once inside, the words came back to me. Well obviously the workout was not going to be fun but maybe I could find another source. People watching, now that's the ticket.
Now here comes a young lady everything matching beautifully, she strolls around the perimeter and finally settles daintily on a bike. Out comes the smart phone all the better to text you with. Up goes the hair, no down goes the hair. Up goes the hair, no down goes the hair. Oh, pedal, that's it very slowly ...  
Arrange the jacket, continue texting ... pedal, pedal, really, really slowly ...
Obviously, being at the gym is the same as a workout in the same way sitting in a garage makes one a car, or going to church makes one a Christian.
Doing matters. Jesus said the ones who do the will of the Father are blessed, they reap the benefits of the exercise.
If we believe these are indeed the last days, it's going to take a lot more than simply "showing up" at the right places (church and church related activities) in order to impact our world. It will take a lot more than simply asking the "WWJD" question. We will definitely need, at all cost to do what Jesus would. Forget being, cute, comfortable, and correct!  It's not about us being on parade but Christ displayed by the lives we live. Break a sweat!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Childhood Treat Revisited

I love Florida and specifically, Miami. Why? It is almost the Caribbean and as a result, most of our native flora and fauna (lizards I can do without) thrive here. On Wednesday a co-worker asked if I cared for a breadfruit. "Yes," I quickly replied since the only place I have seen a "live" breadfruit is in Key West. Well, it turned out on Thursday morning the breadfruit was in fact a Jackfruit. The cloying, sticky-sweet scent, coiled out of the plastic bag as soon as I opened it.

Not wanting to have that particular brand of air-freshening all the way home I deposited it the back of my truck. (If you are not familiar with any of this, Wikipedia has beautiful pictures). Anyway to continue the story. The Jackfruit proved to be very ripe - a little too much so for my liking as a plain snack. So, Internet to the rescue. I typed in jackfruit recipes and Viola! Scads of recipes popped up including a Biryani that I must take a shot at as soon as I find a green Jackfruit.

Anyway, last night the versatility of the the Jackfruit became evident as I carefully removed a light and airy, yellow gold cake from the oven. Yep - a Jackfruit cake. I kept the recipe as simple as it was written adding only a splash of rum and a teaspoon of grated nutmeg to the mix. My freezer has a small container of Jackfruit pods to make pancakes at a later time.

Oh, I must mention the large cherry-tomato-sized seeds of the Jackfruit. Boiled in slightly salted water for about an hour, one has the added delight of a slightly sweet, potato-textured or boiled-peanut type edible that can be mashed (if there is enough of them) and served as a side dish. Like the boiled peanuts however, its just more fun to shell and eat without wondering how much starch is being consumed. Talk about fun! 

Who can forget green Jackfruit pods added to soup, fat Jackfruit seeds popping as they roast in the hearth, and luscious barely-ripe Jackfruit pods shaken in a jar with a generously accompaniment of scotch bonnet peppers, salt and vinegar. I would be considerably less than honest if the stomach ache from eating too much of the ripe fruit was not mentioned. Ow! And does anyone remeber the thick, gooey, stretchy, gum that had the power to doom anything with which it came in contact? Awww, childhood. 

Thanks Margaret. The Jackfruit was really good..

Friday, May 25, 2012

Tea, anyone?

Tomorrow is the annual First Assembly of God Ladies Tea - Victorian this year. I figured I would post something on tea drinking. This information comes from various internet sites. Here goes.

It is believed that Chinese herbal tea was discovered by Emperor Shen Nung of China in 2737 BC.  Well although the custom of drinking tea dates back to the 3rd millennium BC in China, it was not until the mid 17th Century that the first tea appeared in England. Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in year 1840. During the 1880's upper class and society women would change into long gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five o'clock.
Accordingly, as tea drinking blossomed in England, so too did it in the English colonies (i.e. Jamaica, India, the entire Caribbean, etc.)

A little superstition with your tea, perhaps? To stir tea in the pot is to stir up strife. Bubbles in your cup show that kisses are coming, but if you put in milk before the sugar . . . you risk losing your sweetheart. If a girl allows a man to pour out a second cup of tea for her she will succumb to his designs. (I have been unable to discover whether it works the other way around.) And of course there is the advance information given by a floating tea-leaf that a stranger is coming, the number of taps with one hand it takes to shake it off the back of the other hand showing how many days there are to wait. People who make tea with water which is not boiling must expect a lot of strangers.

By the way, if you are in the Florida City area you can still make the party tomorrow,2-4pm at the Goldcoaster clubhouse. Please call 305-992-0225 for directions or pick-up.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Talking About Perspective

Last weekend my husband and I had the extraordinary good fortune to connect with friends some of whom we had not seen in over thirty years! After the initial shock and awe abated we were made to see with startling clarity what God has accomplished over the years.

We met pastors who came to Christ under our ministry when we traveled the Island of Jamaica as evangelists. We talked with one lady who reminded my husband of a message he preached that changed her life - which he has long forgotten. The memories rolled on about Youth camps, Days of Fellowship, the whims and idiosyncrasies of old ministers now retired, and most of all the joy of being together again. In spite of distance we have managed to remain friends in Christ, something no amount of years can alter or tarnish.

We saw ourselves and remembered who who we are in Christ and rejoiced that the gifts and calling of God cannot be altered or negated.

If you are bombarded and doubting who you are, take a step back into a different environment. Connect with that part which is unmistakably you and use that as your compass. Do not let present negative circumstances define who you are. After all, one battle won or lost, is not the sum total of a war.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Laughter: the best possible medicine

Hi Folks! I just picked up a copy of my first book from the work pile (doing a second edition) and out fell this poem. Absolutely one of my favs. A little laugh is a lot of good medicine so LOL!

HOW TO BATHE A CAT (Google by same title)
1. Thoroughly clean toilet.
2. Lift both lids and add shampoo.
3. Find and soothe cat as you carry him to bathroom.
4. In one swift move, place cat in toilet, close both lids and
stand on top, so cat cannot escape.
5. The cat will self agitate and produce ample suds.
(Ignore ruckus from inside toilet, cat is enjoying this)
6. Flush toilet 3 or 4 times. This provides power rinse, which
is quite effective.
7. Have someone open outside door, stand as far from toilet as
possible and quickly lift both lids.
8. Clean cat will rocket out of the toilet and outdoors,
where he will air dry.
The Dog
PS. I happen to love cats - no matter what the poem suggests!

So much for working tonight - sleep well all.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Talk to God; He really listens - and answers.

Every faith practice some form of prayer for self and others. Why do you suppose this is such a universal fact? We are made to connect with the Creator and to hunger for the presence of the divine. Prayer then is not just talking or putting out a list of I wants, rather it is fellowship, spending time with, listening as God speaks to our spirit ...

Christians pray to Jesus and believe He is the only one who can answer prayer. This is by no means an abstract concept. Many individuals can provide evidence of supernatural intervention through prayer in the Name of Jesus. But why take my word for it? Try it and see what happens.

Many of my fellow Christ-followers know a number of people are depending on us to pray for them this week. Please, do not disappoint them. Let us take the time to be true intercessors. Set a time and a place for prayer. At First Assembly Florida City we meet on Monday nights 6pm at the church. You may come and pray with us and then continue at your convenience throughout the week. We see the world a whole lot better from out knees.

For further reading Google STEPP - Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Proximal Intercessory Prayer or read my book Nursing a Calling to Care chapter 9, available at

Monday, April 30, 2012

Talk About Hosting An Online Book Launch

Iphone, ipad, eMail, eBooks, ePub, eCommerce, LinkedIn, Twitter, Skype and Yelp —are but a few of the myriad communication options open to today’s readers and writers. Whether we go kicking and screaming or we joyfully seek the embrace of new technology, one glaring fact remains: there will be absolutely no going back to the way things were.
Take book signings for example. Not very long ago writers made the rounds to bookstores, either physically or via snail mail, in hopes of scoring a good day to be in-store meeting and greeting customers and with studied nonchalance, sell copies of their latest book. Not any more.  In-store unexpectedly fast tracked to “Online “and virtual book launches are becoming commonplace among writers, seasoned and new. After an incredible live launch in Hyderabad, India of my latest book Nursing: A Calling to Care, I decided to hop on the Online bandwagon and try the “virtual” launch trip.
I read multiple articles on the do’s, don’ts and absolutes of a social media launch, combined a number of these elements and set the grand date. Here is what I found. A party takes planning – online or off. One cannot login to Facebook (FB) and go at it, hoping people will catch on. There has to be a definite plan.
For me that meant:
a.       Time of the event, Theme, Topic
b.      Venue i.e. what networks I planned to post the party
c.       Guests, gab (conversation), gifts and possibly games
d.      Food, fotos (photos) fun stuff

1.       The party Venue boils down to all the social media you wish to engage and can successfully manage throughout the entire party. By this I mean if you do not have a suite that effectively links and disseminates each post to all your accounts, you will need to do the copy-login-paste-repeat sequence to all your accounts so all of your guests will be “in the same room” as the party progresses. I do not have an online suite (yet) so I was busier than a one-eyed cat with two mouse holes! (I did Chat, Three separate FB accounts, LinkedIn, Twitter and email).
2.       Set a time and create a timeline. My party would run from 12 noon Friday until whenever at night (which turned out to be around 11:00pm) and pick up again Saturday morning at 9:00am until 9:00pm. First, I had to create an online timeline. Google became my very best friend! For the entire planning process I simply typed in what I wanted to do and marveled as related sites popped up. Invariably there would be one with exactly what I wanted.
3.       Choose a theme. Most authors who have hosted online launches agree a theme is essential. Better yet, select a theme that harmonizes with the subject of your book. This provides general conversation as people logon in much the same way as there would be if guests were walking into a room, a restaurant, a park or any other venue. I did not think most of my audience would care to dress up as nurses. And I really was not “feeling” the whole beach or other frequently used themes so I made an executive decision and chose food. Middle of the road vegetarian worked really well i.e. not too complicated but not necessarily every day.  On Thursday my “guests” were given a menu, a shopping list and a hint that free gifts were tied to uploading pictures of their food creations. They also had my solemn pledge to post pictures of my meals.
4.       Topic seems like an odd thing to mention since one would assume, the book being launched would take center stage. Well, yes and no. Talking about your book the entire launch can quickly become boring to your audience. General interest topics, letting your audience open a topic (simply by expanding on what they have posted, asking for other opinions, or posing leading questions) broadens discussion and will have a wider draw over several hours.
5.       Guest and gab. Have an interesting special guest lined up to act as your relief pitcher. He or she will inject new life, introduce a new a topic, promote YOU as a writer and of course, talk about the new book. Chances are there will be budding writers at your party. Make sure there are opportunities to talk about their interests, their projects, and have solid nuts-and-bolts information for this very teachable time.
6.       Gifts and possibly games. If you were hosting an actual party, chances are there would be party favors. Depending on the scope of your entertainment there might even be door prizes. A virtual party can and should have gifts – it can have favors and numerous events can be created for prizes depending on your budget. I linked gifts to guests’ participation. Therefore, my guests who uploaded recipes, immediately received prizes. Prizes were also awarded to new writers, a new FB friend who suddenly joined the conversation, and so on. Once again, a virtual party does not seek to reinvent the wheel where gifts are concerned. Copies of your book, new CD or DVD, gift certificate or good quality novelty items, will all work quite well.
7.       Food, fotos (photos) fun stuff. As one famous fast food chain declares “Gotta eat.” Food makes a great theme around which to rally guests. For the Nursing: A Calling to Care launch, I chose a middle of the road vegetarian menu. Nothing too radical or too expensive and in some cases as simple as mix everything together in a bowl and bake or serve. Additionally, I provided websites for each dish so guests could chose which recipe they preferred. I uploaded everything I made which of course made for more conversation.
After the party comes the clean-up. Since it’s virtual you may not have a lot of clean-up to do but certainly, adequate wrap up time should be built in. I started my end of party countdown around ninety minutes before the party ended. That gave guests time to post their last minute comments, gave me time to respond on all the sites and really cemented the feeling of walking people to the door and saying, “until next time.” I realized I was neither being fanciful or overly sentimental as there were comments of wanting an invitation to the next party, and time well spent, enjoying the time together and such. On Sunday the comments continued in person and by telephone.
Okay, I know someone is thinking, what about book sales? If we bear in mind the average sale for an in-store book signing can be as low as five books and meeting maybe less than a hundred people, my online launch was a phenomenal success. Yes I received a big order but I also garnered two new followers on Twitter both of whom had a following of over 20, 000 – yeah for free advertising. I personally talked to 22 individuals, in addition to those who were posting on the site over the two days. On Sunday I received an even better sense of how many people were being “wallflowers” at the party. Yes they were there, “liked” my status, “liked” the pictures posted but never interacted with other guests. Better yet, I am firmly convinced this party will be going on for a long time. If you were among those who attended, thank you. Please feel free to let’s talk about it on my FB pages, or Tweet @laurenemy, LinkedIn, or of course, right here on my blog.
Write strong.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Talking About Articles

We are in the last 1hr and 40 mins of the online launch of Nursing: A Calling to Care. Celebrated writing coach, author and humanitarian Elaine Wright Colvin weighed in with these comments that I hope someone will find helpful.
"BECOME A GREAT STORYTELLER (like Lauren): An anecdote is a little story, usually one paragraph, that illuminates a point you are trying to make in your article. Readers love anecdotes, because even when reading nonfiction they like the storyteller's touch, the presence of characters and even dialogue. Editors love anecdotes because readers love them. Anecdotes improve any article; many editors say they want at least three anecdotes in every article."

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Party Menu Items

As promised, here is the shopping list if you plan to follow the party menu: Albacore tuna, olive oil, calamata olives, soy milk, plain yogurt, wheat thins (or your favorite crackers), salad greens, nuts/toppers, fruits and veggies, salmon fresh or canned wild caught and lots of input from you. Until tomorrow then ...Stella Myuriel, will you post that breakfast rice dish you made for us? tell us the ingredients and upload a picture if you can. Hope you and Amo Melody will also join the party.

Talk about Excitement ...

A GREAT BIG HELLO to my Fans, Family and Friends! I am soooo excited about the launch of Nursing: A Calling to Care tomorrow starting at Noon until  ... and Saturday 9am to 9pm. That's right - plenty of time for questions discussions and a great menu. Oh, did I mention give aways? We will have those too. Prizes include free books, gift cards, novelty items and more... The "just for fun" will be the upload of menu items. I will show you what I'm making, you can do the same, add a variation, or your own very own version. Naturally, these are prize winning plugs. I look forward to a great time, please say you will come ...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Well we are getting close to the party! I really hope several of you will join us Online this coming Friday and Saturday. You may purchase books, share on FB and other media here: I really am going to keep my promise and post a menu for the party. If you are vegetarian or curious about fun meat-free foods for your next party, please, join us on the blog and on FB. You may be in for some tasty surprizes.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

G.K. Chesterton: “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.” What do you suppose would happen if Christ-followers really followed Christ? Could we see the same results as did the early church? Or the people in other lands who have nothing to lose and so give up everything? Think about it and talk about what makes us disciples.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Nursing - A Calling To Care India Debut January 2012

NURSES EXPECTED TO CARE FOR 32 MILLION MORE PATIENTS BY 2014 MIAMI FLORIDA (2/18/2012) — Fresh from her tour in India and just in time for Nurses’ Week, Lauren is all set to talk about nursing challenges at home and abroad. Nursing: A Calling to Care —A Celebration of Nurses, Past, Present and Future, presents a global perspective of nursing as a profession and of the prevailing nursing shortage. See the possible effects in 2014 when Medicaid adds a whopping 32 million people to the US healthcare system. Feel the desperation as India faces a shortfall of 2.4 million nurses right now in 2012. And while the casualties increase, Africa despairingly admits that it would take hundreds of years to train enough nurses to provide a 1:1000 nurse to patient ratio. Are there any practical solutions? And how can your God-given S.H.A.P.E help to provide a whole new look at nursing as a calling rather than just another profession? Written from the perspective of hundreds of years of collaborative nursing experience, Nursing: A Calling to Care — A Celebration of Nurses, Past, Present and Future captures a snapshot of nursing practice in North America, Asia, and other parts of the world. Get the real story — starting with Florence Nightingale, the founder of professional nursing, to men only schools of nursing to the founding of the Red Cross. Find out what Walt Whitman, a New Orleans slave and St. Camillus all had in common and discover why in the 21st century some men still need permission to be nurses. Lauren E. Myers, RN has been in continuous practice since 1989. She is an award winning Christian writer (Reflections: Seeing through the Glass darkly, In the Presence of Grace, God Speaks My Language), pastor, conference and motivational speaker. Nursing: A Calling to Care therapeutically priced at $14.99. Stay tuned for upcoming USA launch. For Interviews, booking or additional information: Telephone: (305) 992-0225