Saturday, January 27, 2018


January 28TH – MARCH 28TH

FOCUS – Think of the long term benefits – not diet but a healthy lifestyle

FAITH – Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you. (Psalm 37:5 NLT)

FOOD – think before you eat. Kick the "see food" diet.

FRIENDS – Work as a team - find a buddy to help keep you on track

FITNESS – Exercise - every little bit helps. A simple daily walk down the block and build on it. Take the stairs, park further from the entrance.

“You can actually eat anything based on one rule: Eat real, whole food. Eat a colorful variety of real, whole foods from real ingredients that you can make yourself — ​or that are made by another human nearby. If it was grown on a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, leave it on the shelf” Warren, Rick. The Daniel Plan Jumpstart Guide: Daily Steps to a Healthier Life (pp. 6-7). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

Google: free Daniel plan tips (many resources on this page)

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Week 7: Danger - Sugar Traps!

As you look at these numbers the thing to keep in mind is that 1 teaspoon is approximately 4 grams (rounding it off for easier calculation).

Coca Cola = 39 grams  or just about ten teaspoons of sugar
20 oz (590 ml) Bottle = 65 grams or 16.25 teaspoons of sugar
1 Liter (34 oz) Bottle = 108 grams or 27 teaspoons of sugar
7-Eleven 32 oz Big Gulp = 91 grams of sugar or 22.75 teaspoons of sugar
 7-Eleven 44 oz Super Gulp = 128 grams of sugar or 32 teaspoons of sugar
Mountain Dew 77grams sugar
Red Bull 27 grams sugar
Vitamin Water 13 grams sugar
Apple Juice
 8 oz (240 ml) Serving  Sugars, total:         26g,  Calories, total:                         120
 Calories from sugar:       104
 16 oz Bottle
 Sugars, total:                     52g,  Calories, total:                         240

 Calories from sugar:       208 *** Exactly as much sugar per ounce as Coca Cola.

Hidden sugars can be a major down fall so read labels! This is it for this week. Please, look at your shopping list and remember the plan starts in earnest on next week Sunday, January 28th! I hope you have already purposed in your heart, to go the distance toward great health.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Week 6 – More helpful Hints Preparing for the Daniel Plan

In talking to people about what they eat I find a lot are enthusiastic about healthier meals. The big question though is, how do I make it, and what does one do with just vegetables? Let’s remember first of all that the Daniel Plan is not about being vegetarian. So look at your list of foods again. Correctly interpreted this means you can still enjoy many of your favorite meats in healthier versions. It may mean taking a little more time to steam, sauté, or bake instead of frying — but the rewards are great!
Since I’m vegetarian I’ll give you my version of some recipes and you can add meat where necessary. Here’s the reminder again of your meat choices:
*All Meat should be free range, organic, antibiotic free, and hormone free
•             Chicken Breast
•             Chicken thighs
•             Whole chicken
•             Turkey breast
•             Whole turkey
•             Ground turkey
•             Halibut, steaks or fillets
•             Salmon fillets or steaks
Please notice that pork and red meats are glaringly absent. Did I also mention I use coconut cream as a substitute for broth (among other things)? I find a cup of coconut cream goes a long way.
Try a vegan stew – same ingredients as you would use for a meat based stew. Be sure to sauté your garlic, onions, and peppers before adding the veggies. Pumpkin and/or potato will add “body” to the stew, while chick-peas, mushrooms, and tofu are fun ways to add layers of different textures. Last and most importantly, your body will thank you. Don’t forget there are tons of recipes online. Explore and expand your healthy dietary horizons.
As a side note: I’ll be traveling for the next week and a half and I am not sure what internet access may be available. Will post if I can but if not, I’ll see you on the 27th and we begin the plan in earnest on January 28th.
Game on!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Week 5 – Preparing for the Daniel Plan (Starting 1-28-2018)
Many of you are well into your January fast and are doubtless reaping the benefits of this time to cleanse both the body and the spirit. Now enthusiasm may be the great vehicle that carried you through this first week. A word of advice: It will take more than enthusiasm to finish and finish well. A good thing as we approach the end of this week is to restate your purpose for fasting. Is it worth the sacrifice? And are you okay with God not answering in the way you expected or if he doesn’t seem to answer at all?
Now where food is concerned. All the caffeine is probably gone by now and your body is ready to receive health giving liquids — lots of water, herbal teas, and fruit juices (preferably that you make so there will be no hidden sugar). Leaving out the sugar as you have been doing is slowly but surely changing your taste buds. In a shorter time than you think, sugar is going to taste incredibly sweet; the craving will lessen considerably.

This week, try coming up with new food combinations. Try a new fruit or vegetable. Combine four fruits that you like, add some spinach or kale and see how it suits your palate as a smoothie. Taste food again. I mean really taste the natural goodness without the clutter of heavy fats and sauces. What you discover may delight you. Game on!