Saturday, February 29, 2020

Observing Lent

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
So the Lenten season has begun. It is the traditional observance of Jesus' final days on earth which would culminate in the cruel cross, his burial, and glorious resurrection. Many Christ followers and believers in the Christ mark this period by fasting meats.
I urge you, if you do fast, go beyond just the activity born of custom. Seek a true, transformational, God encounter.
Fasting without prayer and the Word rests your stomach and may benefit for weight loss or control. I am guessing though, if the fast is to honor Jesus,  then a spiritual result is desired. This is achieved by combining the discipline of fasting with prayer, plus reading and meditating on the Scriptures. Here are some tips.
Pick a psalm with 31 verses, read a verse a day, then read a commentary to get to the meat of the matter.
Read the entire book of Proverbs, one chapter a day
Read Psalms numbers 1 through 31
Whatever your choice, read with an open heart.
God bless you as you give your sacrifice to the One who loved us enough to give his life for our salvation.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Real Thing

I am told treasury agents are trained in the art of knowing counterfeit currency by using the real. Over time, they become so knowledgeable and accustomed to the look, feel, contours, and the smell of real bills, they only have to touch a counterfeit to immediately identify it as false.
The Bible says the way to know how to defend and to stand up and effectively share our faith is to study to show ourselves approved unto God. We don't study all the beliefs of the world in order to give an answer for the hope in us. No. We study the Word of God in its truth and power and be so full of the knowledge and the glory of him, we only have to hear a line of falsehood to recognize the lie.
We can learn from Solomon. He thought being broadminded was the way to go. In the end, he worshipped with all of his wives and concubines, whatever they worshipped. At his death, it was said of him his heart was not as perfect toward God as that of David his father.
Be respectful to people and understand their belief is as dear to them as Christ is to us. However, be resolved to be singleminded in practice. If we study the Word only we will save ourselves and those who hear us.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Greatest Love

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk

Yesterday I was one of the fortunate ones to receive roses, chocolate, and a personalized mug with a picture of Junior Edsil Myers
 and myself (yes, he outdid himself). I say fortunate because my husband chose to honor our love.
It made me think of John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
We do not expect those who do not yet acknowledge the love of God to give him "roses." But did we? Did we like St Valentine,  whose life we commemorate,  remember to spend time with the Lover of our Soul and reaffirm his position of first in our hearts?
It's not too late to give Him our gift of worship like sweet perfume, the love of our hearts like Rose's of the deepest red, and our undying devotion as a sweet offering wrapped in grace. As the writer says and we thankfully sing:
"I love you Lord and I lift my voice
To worship you, oh my soul rejoice!
Take joy my King in what you hear
May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear."
Hope you weekend is filled with reminders of the greatest love of all.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
The sun came up but the chill of 40-somethng degrees overnight still remained. This was my morning to sing and so I sang verses, lines, tag lines ... whatever felt right for today's walk.
I am also listening for a word to share. On the way back I had a strong picture of a dirty baby along with the adage of not throwing out the baby with the bath water. I actually said out loud, "really Lord?" Since nothing else came, here are my thoughts.
Which parent ceases to love a baby because the baby is soiled? In fact, we wrinkle our noses, make funny noises, as we remove the offending item and restore baby to cleanliness and comfort.
Children of God can make some huge messes. Not only do we become dirty everyone in our vicinity is affected by the stench. People have lost homes, families, and even lives because of other people's messes. But, that "baby" still belongs to Someone; its God's child.
Oh, we abhorr the stink, but as Christians, we are not authorized to throw the baby away. Let the Parent handle it. He alone can clean and wash and clothe the child. You know why? Because he hates the stink but loves the baby. In fact, the Bible says there is more rejoicing in heaven when a sinner repents than there is over 99 righteous/ clean persons who need no repentance. Yes, Jesus came to earth because of sinners. Trust the power of his blood.
Lord, we pray to be the kind of Christians who will gracefully distinguish between the sinner and the sin. Thank you for touching us when no once else would. We rejoice because we are clean. Amen.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Keep at it

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
 As we step into February it means the end of Fasting for many people. I am sure many have received definite answers to prayer just as there are others who are still waiting. Remember our timing and God's seldom align. His ways,  thoughts , and plans are way above what we grasp. Delay is not denial. And if all his plans for me are good,  then all the answers to my prayers are good.
Let's be encouraged and continue to trust him
 Also, let's try not to lose the" jump start" we gained from eating clean for so many weeks. Keep it up where possible for this month too, by practicing moderation. The time we carved out in January for prayer and meditation can still be utilized for that purpose. I know we will all be better for it.
Happy new month and may God's blessings be upon you.