Saturday, February 8, 2020


Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
The sun came up but the chill of 40-somethng degrees overnight still remained. This was my morning to sing and so I sang verses, lines, tag lines ... whatever felt right for today's walk.
I am also listening for a word to share. On the way back I had a strong picture of a dirty baby along with the adage of not throwing out the baby with the bath water. I actually said out loud, "really Lord?" Since nothing else came, here are my thoughts.
Which parent ceases to love a baby because the baby is soiled? In fact, we wrinkle our noses, make funny noises, as we remove the offending item and restore baby to cleanliness and comfort.
Children of God can make some huge messes. Not only do we become dirty everyone in our vicinity is affected by the stench. People have lost homes, families, and even lives because of other people's messes. But, that "baby" still belongs to Someone; its God's child.
Oh, we abhorr the stink, but as Christians, we are not authorized to throw the baby away. Let the Parent handle it. He alone can clean and wash and clothe the child. You know why? Because he hates the stink but loves the baby. In fact, the Bible says there is more rejoicing in heaven when a sinner repents than there is over 99 righteous/ clean persons who need no repentance. Yes, Jesus came to earth because of sinners. Trust the power of his blood.
Lord, we pray to be the kind of Christians who will gracefully distinguish between the sinner and the sin. Thank you for touching us when no once else would. We rejoice because we are clean. Amen.

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