Saturday, November 14, 2020

 Weekly Word

        As we approach the most traveled season of the year, there is still much concern about the reported spike in the number of COVID-19 cases. Don’t forget, the function of the news media is to report the news; whatever they consider new or novel gets reported. It is not their job (unfortunately) to always report things in a balanced or impartial manner. So, what we do with the information we receive is entirely dependent on how much we are willing to believe without evidence. Before we panic, expecting a return of March 2020, let us look at what the CDC is saying.

        Yesterday November 13th, Florida data reported to the Agency for Health Care Administration brought great news. Namely, the number of hospitalized COVID-19 positive patients is down more than 70 percent since July. This means there are currently 3,100 persons hospitalized with a primary diagnosis of COVID-19 and statewide, the positivity rate for new cases is 7.95 percent. The crux of the matter is, per the Department of Health “there has been a steady decline in the number of reported Florida resident deaths who were previously diagnosed with COVID-19. The second week of August compared to the second week of September shows a 74 percent decrease in the average number of reported COVID-19 related deaths.”

As of November 13, 870,552 individuals have tested positive for COVID-19 in Florida.

      As a health care professional, I am going to trust the reports from the CDC and the DOH far and above those of pundits and overall “talkers”, we see popping up all over the media. While the report is undoubtedly good news, we cannot drop our guard. The measures that have gotten us to these numbers must remain in place if we are to see a continued return to normalcy.  Social distancing, handwashing, wearing of protective equipment, and MASKS for every day outside interactions, are to be respected and stringently practiced. I can’t see taking measures to ensures one’s own health and safety (if not that of others) as an infringement on freedom or self-determination. Not from where I sit in the place where death by COVID is a grim reality.

So, my Weekly Word this week is simply Safety. Safety first, safety always.




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