Saturday, May 30, 2020

Don't Give Up

The heat was more intense than I expected and so took a lot more energy than I wanted to expend. There was nothing to do but adjust my pace and keep walking. That oh-so-hoped-for second wind,  never came so I simply trudged the last two miles. Being tired did not mean quitting was an option. Why? I had to make it home.
Many of us are tired. Tired of COVID-19,  tired of the news, tired of hearing about financial relief that never seems to come. We are tired of politics of the murder of innocent people and justice that seems inextricably linked to "the color of our skin rather than the content of our character." We are tired of sin, of failed relationships, and tired of never quite hitting the mark, no matter how hard we try.
We are tired of glass ceilings, invisible walls, and treadmills to keep us busy going nowhere. But, that is not a reason to quit. Instead, we keep the faith. We continue to believe in a God who made all people significant because of his divine imprint. We will continue to do the good we know, and in so doing make a difference, wherever God happens to place us.  We are not home yet. Don't give up. Run fast, walk slow, or simply trudge, putting one foot in front of the other. But keep going because home is still ahead.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Practicing Tolerance

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk today is Tolerance

Tolerance: The ability or willingness to put up with (tolerate) the existence or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with” so says one dictionary. It is a matter of great concern and personal sadness to see the amount of time devoted to giving way to anger either because of a misunderstanding or someone voicing a different idea. Somehow, in this time of major crisis I am having difficulty reconciling this with what is really happening in the world. I hate to be the one harping on this, but people are dying. Hunger, stress, hopelessness leading to suicides, or people being maimed from failed suicide attempts are right before our very eyes. Many are not Christians; and if your worldview is that eternity without Christ carries major consequences, then there is reason for even more sadness.

Spending the time fighting with each other on social media, over a difference of opinion adds to the problems around us. We excoriate, malign, and condemn each other, question each other’s morals and all but send each other to hell over a difference of opinion or poorly expressed thought. How are we portraying Christ when we say to each other, “Don’t stand beside me, because I am more holy than you are?” Christians are called to be light and salt and peacemakers. At the end of the day, if I was right in my view and Christ was dishonored in the way I expressed myself, being right matters nothing. Christ is still dishonored.
People of God, we will not be graded on the strength of our political convictions but on how we represented Christ to a dying world, “so they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.”Once again, the anger of man does not uphold or promote the righteousness of God. For the kingdom of God does not come by arguing or strife. Jesus would have us remember blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. Disagree with dignity, fight with fairness, and correct with Christ like humility lest we become the very thing we claim to despise.

And now, may the peace of God dwell in us richly and keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. The Lord is at hand (Maranatha)!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Accepting Change

Things are not the same anymore and all the old adages are proving true. “Blessed are the flexible; they shall not soon be bent out of shape;” “The only constant is change;” “Those who cannot adapt are doomed to extinction.” All of these are playing out in our everyday human existence and we are at the place where just knowing these sayings are not enough; nodding in agreement is not enough. We are walking them out in our daily lives or are soon to find ourselves putting our actions where our mouths are.
What is the new landscape looking like? Massive changes. Businesses that are open are adapting new practices and survival strategies and employees are taking on new roles and responsibilities. The expectation is not just agreeing to the changes but jumping in cheerfully because of the fact, there is a job. Many even in the face of tremendous loss now given the chance to define their own goals and be their own boss, as discomfort breeds growth. For millions the question of what is my job has taken on an answer similar to the question who is my neighbor, asked by Jesus asked thousands of years ago. It is not so much proximity of fences defining neighbors or hiring descriptions that define what is my job. Rather, it’s what needs to be done and my ability to do it.
How do we respond? With grace and integrity, doing all within us to mirror Christ instead of personal outrage. Now, the rubber truly meets the road because our pride and status may have other ideas. In times like these we truly appreciate the Bible which says, “Do everything without complaining that we may be children of God, blameless and pure.” Today as we leap forward into another series of unknowns, remember God has long encountered all that is ahead of us, and promises victory. As a family member of one of my patients told me last week, “God has given you all that you need to face all challenges you will encounter and defeat it.”  Stay safe and stay grounded in Christ our forever constant.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


This week on my walk it suddenly occurred to me no matter how many steps I take, I always have home in sight ─ physically or emotionally. When I choose a route, it is with the idea the journey is two ways. Therefore, I must consider the total miles and the stamina needed to return home. When I reach the turnaround point, I start counting the landmarks as I anticipate turning up my street and seeing my home, a few houses from the corner.
Everyone may not exercise or even understand the compulsion that drives walkers, runners and marathoners. But we are all on a walk through life, one that is personal and specifically designed for our steps. If we remain insensible to the concept of home, life is lived as a walk, long or short, from the dawn of birth into the night of eternity without any hope of the rest promised to the people of God.
Where exactly do we live? Are we in Father's House or are we still in the kingdom of darkness?
Though we say we are in Christ with God and our home is in Heaven, we still walk in the natural world. Sometimes our route takes us through trials, anxieties, rain, and storms. At other times we are blessed with joy, happiness, and fair weather. No matter how far we find ourselves in the hurtful or the mundane, we must still walk with home in sight, matching our steps to the profession of our faith. No destination should be so enticing or disheartening we embark upon it without remembering to keep home in view. Home is more than a house; more than mansions, golden streets, and pearly gates. Home is where Jesus is. And when we get there, we will finally be at one with Him and all the saints throughout the eons of eternity. Walk on …

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


I'm wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday! Today my word is grateful. I saw the dawn supplant the moon and watched another glorious sunrise break over the land. I am forever in awe at the power of our amazing God. How about going for a ride with me tomorrow at 6pm @NikkiRichShowTV
We'll be talking about my bestseller Moments with Jesus and much more.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Truth Rises

Weekly Word from the Wisdom Walk
I find in this season of unscheduled inactivity, cooking passes the time better than almost any other activity. So, when I came across a simple recipe for raisin buns, I was only too willing to make them.
As I assembled the ingredients I voiced my misgivings to my daughter that the proportion of yeast to flour was not right.
Against my better judgement, I went along with it, scrupulously measuring everything (that was strange of itself) and adding no extra ingredients.
The dough felt dry and hard but I decided to see the process through. In a few words, I ended up with rock hard pieces of dough, a far cry from the fragrant, delicious treats we were all anticipating. The very next day I redid the recipe using the proportions and no-fail method I have used in my years of making bread. This time I had the results I craved.
The experience reminded me of a valuable life  lesson.  Namely, there is no excuse to digress from the truth we know to pursue something that fills us with uneasiness or downright doubt. We are not given a free pass because someone swears by a better way. Do WE know the truth? Have we proven God to be gracious? Then walk in that truth.
The hesitancy we feel when we are being lured by false promises is none other than the Spirit of Truth throwing up a warning. Pursuing a lie is a lot of hard, useless work and the outcome will never justify the effort. Our best defense is to stick to the old paths, follow the God we have proven to be faithful, and trust the Word within our hearts. When we do, we will rise to God's desire for us and by so doing satisfy the hunger of a dying world.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Happy Nurses' Week

Happy Nurses' Day and week to all my colleagues! Today I celebrate 31 years of being a registered nurse. I praise God I never had to be disciplined or suspended or even have my right to practice questioned in all those years. The journey has been from staff nurse to consultant to Director of Nursing,  Nursing Administrator,  travel nurse, school nurse, to where I am today. Case management may seem like being on the sidelines or doing less that I could. However, I am old enough to have done the limelight and to know where I prefer to be at this time of life. Nursing is good to me. Yes, I have permanent physical injury like so many in this profession. But nursing has also fueled my dreams and allowed me to be an author, to travel extensively, to help others, and to have a great life for my family and myself. I am grateful for my job at Poinciana Medical Center and for the strong beautiful women with whom I work everyday as a case manager. I appreciate every single person from "C" to "E" who makes up the hospital staff.
So, to celebrate I walked my 6.6miles and watched the glorious sun proclaim the promise of a new day. Besides, there is no point in growing older without protest!

Saturday, May 2, 2020


Some of us came across the word  brave as a motivational acronym in the corporate world.  But today, for this short Wisdom Walk,  I want to introduce BRAVE from a spiritual as well as a motivational perspective. 
BOLD, know the God in whom you believe and be resolute in your faith. Not obnoxious, or pushy, or argumentative. But know the ground on which you stand and never be ashamed to be counted (or discounted) for being a child of God. I'm entitled to have a belief system and mine happens to be in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
RELEVANT, the Gospel is not a bunch of unrelated ideas. Following Jesus is a way to do life, today. Let us learn to connect our "feet" to our faith. Our walk should match the principles laid out for us by the teachings of Jesus Christ. Examples? The Beatitudes or better yet, Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7.
AUTHENTIC, the world is full of fakes. Dont be that person. It is better to be genuinely weak than to claim strength one does not possess. Be the same person wherever you are, to whomever you meet. Let us strive to be the good person we wish others would be.
VALUABLE, dont believe the devil's lies about you. You are valuable, you are loved, and you are an integral part of the kingdom of God. Listen what Jesus says: " I dont call you servants, but friends."
EAGER, not jaded or tired or world weary but eager. Eager to learn the things of God and to discover his heart for you. I am eager to grow in my relationship with the Savior and to bring others along on the journey.
    It's not easy but we can do this! God  supports our effort because He wants us BRAVE.