Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Happy Nurses' Week

Happy Nurses' Day and week to all my colleagues! Today I celebrate 31 years of being a registered nurse. I praise God I never had to be disciplined or suspended or even have my right to practice questioned in all those years. The journey has been from staff nurse to consultant to Director of Nursing,  Nursing Administrator,  travel nurse, school nurse, to where I am today. Case management may seem like being on the sidelines or doing less that I could. However, I am old enough to have done the limelight and to know where I prefer to be at this time of life. Nursing is good to me. Yes, I have permanent physical injury like so many in this profession. But nursing has also fueled my dreams and allowed me to be an author, to travel extensively, to help others, and to have a great life for my family and myself. I am grateful for my job at Poinciana Medical Center and for the strong beautiful women with whom I work everyday as a case manager. I appreciate every single person from "C" to "E" who makes up the hospital staff.
So, to celebrate I walked my 6.6miles and watched the glorious sun proclaim the promise of a new day. Besides, there is no point in growing older without protest!

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