Things are not the same anymore and all the old adages are proving true. “Blessed are the flexible; they shall not soon be bent out of shape;” “The only constant is change;” “Those who cannot adapt are doomed to extinction.” All of these are playing out in our everyday human existence and we are at the place where just knowing these sayings are not enough; nodding in agreement is not enough. We are walking them out in our daily lives or are soon to find ourselves putting our actions where our mouths are.
What is the new landscape looking like? Massive changes. Businesses that are open are adapting new practices and survival strategies and employees are taking on new roles and responsibilities. The expectation is not just agreeing to the changes but jumping in cheerfully because of the fact, there is a job. Many even in the face of tremendous loss now given the chance to define their own goals and be their own boss, as discomfort breeds growth. For millions the question of what is my job has taken on an answer similar to the question who is my neighbor, asked by Jesus asked thousands of years ago. It is not so much proximity of fences defining neighbors or hiring descriptions that define what is my job. Rather, it’s what needs to be done and my ability to do it.
How do we respond? With grace and integrity, doing all within us to mirror Christ instead of personal outrage. Now, the rubber truly meets the road because our pride and status may have other ideas. In times like these we truly appreciate the Bible which says, “Do everything without complaining that we may be children of God, blameless and pure.” Today as we leap forward into another series of unknowns, remember God has long encountered all that is ahead of us, and promises victory. As a family member of one of my patients told me last week, “God has given you all that you need to face all challenges you will encounter and defeat it.” Stay safe and stay grounded in Christ our forever constant.
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